Forums-->Ordinary artifacts <|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|39|40|41|42|>
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Looking for someone who will take me vorendu set for the six | 04.19, 13:23 | 2 | Ltgray | 04.20, 01:41, by Lord DragonEater | [Sell][Longbow [I10E9A9W9]][37/49][355k] | 03.29, 18:48 | 20 | CaligulaX | 04.18, 12:19, by Erekose | [Sell][Various enchanted Jewellery][A5F5] | 01.12, 12:55 | 325 | Lord ZenoMX | 04.15, 06:41, by Lord Pantheon | [Sell]or[exchange][Various Enchanted Armor] | 12.01, 17:02 | 157 | Lord binghuo | 04.13, 18:58, by Lord binghuo | SELL [enchanted armor for 10thlvl] [2*10A,F] | 04.11, 12:37 | 3 | Lord UlfSaaR | 04.12, 14:42, by Lord UlfSaaR | [sell]unholy blackshard | 04.12, 09:45 | 1 | dunga_ronaldo | 04.12, 09:45, by dunga_ronaldo | [Sell]or[exchange][Mithril longsword [I7E8A8W8]] | 04.08, 16:39 | 2 | Vallaria | 04.08, 17:52, by Vallaria | [BUY] | 04.08, 11:15 | 1 | devildiablo666 | 04.08, 11:15, by devildiablo666 | [Sell]or[exchange][Ruby gladius][I10E10A10W10] [61/70] | 12.01, 16:59 | 156 | Lord binghuo | 04.08, 07:03, by Lord binghuo | [Sell] [Sword of might] [I10E10A10W10][60/69][340k] | 03.31, 18:44 | 24 | Lord _force_ | 04.07, 18:17, by Lord _force_ | <sell>goloshes of battle(f1) | 04.05, 07:07 | 2 | mad420 | 04.05, 07:16, by mad420 | [Sell]or[exchange][Composite bow][I10E10A10W10F10][20/52] | 03.05, 22:18 | 32 | Fes | 04.04, 09:54, by Fes | Please buy my artifacts | 04.03, 09:11 | 2 | Lord CrAzY_DePuTaT | 04.04, 07:20, by Lord CrAzY_DePuTaT | [Sell][Ring of abdication (x2)][46/50] | 03.31, 13:26 | 4 | Bblkycu | 04.03, 17:35, by Bblkycu | Sword of might [E8A8W8] | 04.03, 08:41 | 1 | Lord bubu20 | 04.03, 08:41, by Lord bubu20 | [SELL][Dragon's eye][Full durability][33k] | 03.31, 19:41 | 8 | xWounded | 04.03, 04:04, by xWounded | [Sell] [Reprisal Sword x2] [E1] [40/40] | 04.01, 20:03 | 1 | BrotherTI | 04.01, 20:03, by BrotherTI | [Sell] [Sword of Might] [E1] [80/80] | 04.01, 20:02 | 1 | BrotherTI | 04.01, 20:02, by BrotherTI | [Sell][Heavy mithril coif] [A4W9F9] [125K] | 03.18, 17:54 | 51 | Lord Edwin1908 | 04.01, 12:09, by Erekose | [Sell][Sword of Might] [I10E10A10W10][74/80][570k] | 03.27, 06:35 | 7 | Warwick-the-wiz | 04.01, 05:22, by Warwick-the-wiz | [sell] Scroll of energy [F8] 21/70 | 03.30, 10:40 | 1 | Lord superbober | 03.30, 10:40, by Lord superbober | [Sell][Mithril longsword] [I10E10A10W10][43/66][390k] | 03.25, 07:48 | 4 | Lord _force_ | 03.29, 18:37, by Lord _force_ | [Sell] [Dragon Shield] [A4W4F4] [59/67] [75k] | 02.24, 10:21 | 79 | speed_dragon | 03.29, 06:51, by blazingarpit | [Sell][ Various arts for 3-10 lvl] | 03.26, 22:31 | 1 | Lord CrAzY_DePuTaT | 03.26, 22:31, by Lord CrAzY_DePuTaT | [Sell][Various arts][various durabilities] | 03.25, 07:35 | 16 | Mitashjain | 03.26, 09:03, by Mitashjain | [Sell] Defender Shield [E1] and Combat Staff [A1] | 03.25, 07:35 | 1 | Lord shawnanston | 03.25, 07:35, by Lord shawnanston | [Sell][ Various arts for 3-6 lvl] | 03.24, 17:57 | 2 | Bblkycu | 03.24, 19:39, by Bblkycu | [Sell][ Various arts for 12-14 lvl] | 03.20, 20:15 | 8 | Lord LORD_Destruktor | 03.24, 10:11, by Lord LORD_Destruktor | [sell] Scroll of energy [F8] 21/70 | 03.19, 22:14 | 4 | Lord superbober | 03.23, 21:18, by Lord superbober | [Sell][Mithril longsword] [I10E10A10W10][43/66][450k] | 03.21, 18:37 | 3 | Lord _force_ | 03.22, 10:21, by Lord _force_ |