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Ordinary artifacts


Topic Date
Author Last message
[Sell][Longbow][40/50][18175g]01.21, 20:351Lord DaveM01.21, 20:35, by Lord DaveM
[Sell][Ruby gladius][I10E10A10W10][70/70][470k gold]01.21, 11:072#7705Lord BrownBear01.21, 20:29, by #7705Lord BrownBear
[Sell][Defender Shield x2][3,333g][40/40]01.21, 14:175Lord DecayWolf01.21, 19:32, by Lord DecayWolf
[Sell][Mithril longsword][I10E10A10W10][2/70][222k]01.21, 16:181Rnm01.21, 16:18, by Rnm
[Sell][Composite bow][I10E10A10W10][34/55][255k]01.21, 16:163Rnm01.21, 16:19, by Rnm
[Buy][Prophet ring]01.21, 15:361GOR6901.21, 15:36, by GOR69
[Sell][Ruby gladius][I10E10A10W10][70/70][490k gold]11.02, 07:4096#7705Lord BrownBear01.21, 10:26, by #7705Lord BrownBear
[Sell][Sword of might][E11A5W5F5][56/68][70k gold]01.21, 08:541Dragjons9001.21, 08:54, by Dragjons90
[Sell][Composite bow][I10E10A10W10F10] [38/48][400k]01.14, 13:5610Hedvig01.20, 18:11, by Hedvig
[Sell][Mithril Longsword][E10A10W10F10][56/70][350k gold]01.01, 04:0218Lord DragonEater01.20, 18:01, by Lord DragonEater
[Sell][Various Enchanted Artifacts]01.16, 22:562Lord syrian01.18, 11:50, by Lord syrian
[Sell][Ruby gladius][I10E10A10W10F10][56/62][450k]01.18, 01:331#7490gonlador01.18, 01:33, by #7490gonlador
[Sell][Ruby Gladius][E10A10W11F9] [54/70] [375k]01.02, 10:1321Lord Atheros01.17, 17:44, by Lord Atheros
[Sell] [Various used shop arts]01.15, 17:233Lord Baweja01.16, 00:39, by Lord Baweja
Selling Ring of Inspirations01.12, 05:022elphadelta01.12, 05:38, by ElfPride
[sell][Galoshes of battle][E1][31/35][3500 gold]01.04, 11:0110#7490barbmaster01.07, 08:38, by #7490barbmaster
[Sell][Ruby gladius][I10E10A10W10F10][56/62]12.28, 16:418#7490gonlador01.07, 01:22, by #7490gonlador
[Sell][Ruby Gladius][E10A10W11F9] [54/70] [400k]12.18, 20:0013Lord Atheros01.01, 11:07, by Lord Atheros
[Sell][ Sword of might] [I10E10A10W10] [28/62][200k]12.31, 10:314Hedvig01.01, 09:39, by Hedvig
[Sell][Various Enchanted Artifacts]12.01, 09:5764SonMike01.01, 07:52, by SonMike
[Sell] [Dragon shield] [D2F2] [0/70] [19400]12.23, 21:035#7365Tom20000012.31, 18:40, by #7365Tom200000
[Sell][Steel helmet] 9k12.30, 18:002bhvynsh12.30, 18:08, by #7705Lord BrownBear
[Sell][ Sword of might] [I10E10A10W10] [32/62] [350k]12.27, 11:414Hedvig12.30, 08:40, by Hedvig
[Sell] [Composite bow] [I10E10A10W10] [46/52] [370k]11.30, 00:3830Erekose12.27, 10:10, by #9595Lord xxxSaber
[sell] [Flame helmet] [E2F2] [70/70][26000g]12.26, 14:451Lady TaQQ12.26, 14:45, by Lady TaQQ
selling Wizard helmet 50 \ 50 16500 Wizard attire 50 \ 50 2612.24, 12:053Lord shpan3212.24, 12:45, by #7705Lord BrownBear
Ring of Inspiration12.23, 15:264Master9896112.23, 16:25, by #8433Lord Lexo
[Sell] [Wizard Cap] [5/35] [3535]12.20, 11:062#7705Alexso12.21, 03:55, by #7705Alexso
[Buy][Signet-Ring of Might][40/40]12.18, 09:394bbcda12.19, 23:25, by bbcda
[Sell][Various Enchanted Artifacts]12.09, 13:048Charmel12.17, 17:22, by Charmel

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