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Complaints and applications - Finance and others


Topic Date
Author Last message
Ring of multis donating to main10.01, 14:368ChuckNoris01.20, 15:31, by ChuckNoris
unfair justice01.19, 18:302Lady PrincessSara01.20, 00:56, by ElfPride
Transfer between main and multi + breaking rules of multis01.19, 17:197Lord Baweja01.19, 18:26, by Lord Baweja
Re:01.19, 11:212Lord SLIK01.19, 13:04, by ElfPride
block01.19, 04:202Lord Lonfes01.19, 08:07, by ElfPride
Unreturned credit01.16, 12:573Lord Mr_Brown01.19, 08:00, by Lord Mr_Brown
Script user at silent hill01.11, 03:2612Warwick-the-wiz01.18, 20:32, by Lord DecayWolf
Actually by Desire01.18, 17:052Lord M_E_G_A-E_L_F_01.18, 17:19, by #8433Lord Lexo
Illegal transfers01.18, 07:203dwarfmage01.18, 08:22, by Lord J3T
Please block 2 personage01.17, 18:252Mr66601.17, 20:04, by #7153Queen_Amanda
BLok secondary caractere01.17, 18:032Surgetell01.17, 18:20, by #7153Lord DEATHisNEAR
Blocked01.17, 11:492Hydrogenium01.17, 17:57, by #7153StevieGerrard
Confessing my illegal actions.01.16, 08:323tumurus01.16, 09:38, by #7490Electivire
Over gift limit?01.15, 20:523#7490666beasty01.15, 21:30, by #7153Lord DEATHisNEAR
Transfer01.14, 14:032#7705Lord Mahendra_1101.14, 15:19, by #7153Lord DEATHisNEAR
Insults in battle01.13, 13:153Felic01.14, 13:53, by Pang
Abusive Lanuage01.13, 05:033DJ_Smith01.14, 13:40, by Pang
Insults towards game.01.12, 20:372DragonBlaze01.13, 20:31, by #4201Magier
michaelkingboy01.13, 17:101Lord darkmathijs01.13, 17:10, by Lord darkmathijs
Insults in PM and transfer log12.30, 19:2617#7153Flour01.13, 16:05, by #7153Flour
Surim - financial assist with multi accounts05.02, 11:3611Lord X-Files01.12, 20:36, by Lord Macsek91
illegal transfer01.01, 15:473Pro_Knight9501.11, 15:16, by Pro_Knight95
Financial asist01.11, 08:291Lord MihaiC01.11, 08:29, by Lord MihaiC
a lot of transfer log01.08, 15:471#7490Dark_Snow01.08, 15:47, by #7490Dark_Snow
block01.07, 15:032Lord Serakm01.07, 15:09, by #8433Lord Lexo
block me please01.07, 15:082Lord Serakm01.07, 15:09, by #8433Lord Lexo
block me please01.07, 15:062Lord Serakm01.07, 15:07, by #8433Lord Lexo
block me please01.07, 15:052Lord Serakm01.07, 15:06, by #8433Lord Lexo
Illegal Transfer to multi01.06, 17:091Lord elf_8901.06, 17:09, by Lord elf_89
Ahnazar - unpaid loans - 275k in total09.08, 21:015LITWIN01.06, 12:40, by LITWIN

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