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Complaints and applications - Finance and others


Topic Date
Author Last message
illegal transfers09.05, 21:202Zeroana09.06, 01:19, by #7153Lord DEATHisNEAR
illegal transfers by undeclared multis08.28, 11:432Zarebrant09.05, 19:52, by Zarebrant
illegal transfer09.05, 14:115RGWarior09.05, 19:03, by Jrtikkanen
cheating (i dont know what topic name i should put sorry)09.05, 12:422crystal624809.05, 12:42, by crystal6248
Clan #310- List of cheaters (solved)09.05, 10:362Lord Erebes09.05, 10:59, by #4201Lord Dizbe
Illegal transfers, probably multi accounts.09.05, 05:331Lukeee09.05, 05:33, by Lukeee
this is the users of multi acc...this is cheaters09.05, 04:482redzuan97ht09.05, 04:51, by radex_elf
Suspicious Trader09.05, 00:252darmogathel09.05, 00:25, by darmogathel
illegal tranfers between possible multi's09.04, 21:021Mighty_Sexy09.04, 21:02, by Mighty_Sexy
Dear administration09.04, 15:023DeMoNiLlA09.04, 15:07, by #7153Lord DEATHisNEAR
TheEvilTemplar hacked my account and stole 15k gold09.02, 10:474DanteVergil209.04, 12:33, by DanteVergil2
Illegal multis - Conna / Skullkid197508.08, 09:308#7153Lord DEATHisNEAR09.04, 11:49, by conna
coolsunny09.04, 11:086darkill109.04, 11:25, by Lady Straws
multiple characters: shriyans, shaahid and shriyans987609.04, 10:121Lord Szilard66609.04, 10:12, by Lord Szilard666
Multi09.04, 09:011Aramyl09.04, 09:01, by Aramyl
sexyPusssy transfers09.04, 00:491Lord HeartBreakkid09.04, 00:49, by Lord HeartBreakkid
reporting probable multis12.07, 06:3317#7382hako09.03, 23:24, by #7382hako
wxyx/askemon/free_killer_/execution - undisclosed multis09.03, 20:113#7153Lord DEATHisNEAR09.03, 20:31, by #7153Lord DEATHisNEAR
transfers of massive gold and extra accounts09.03, 11:132mappy0309.03, 16:15, by TimeWaster
illegal transfers09.03, 10:412Lord magicboy09.03, 11:08, by fruckus
Multiple Violations09.03, 09:051TimeWaster09.03, 09:05, by TimeWaster
numeels unassigned multi transfers09.03, 05:131karamba09.03, 05:13, by karamba
demonbeast illegal transfer09.02, 14:431Lord shadow_death09.02, 14:43, by Lord shadow_death
transfers09.02, 13:432Darkcanis09.02, 13:45, by Darkcanis
ilegal transfers09.02, 13:381Darkcanis09.02, 13:38, by Darkcanis
Sucker_aragon - illegal transfers09.02, 10:431Lord Erebes09.02, 10:43, by Lord Erebes
alexgreat - illegal transfers09.02, 10:161Lord Erebes09.02, 10:16, by Lord Erebes
ilegal transfers09.02, 09:271Lord superbober09.02, 09:27, by Lord superbober
kans09.02, 02:201#7382Korzika09.02, 02:20, by #7382Korzika
Ghostsss08.31, 18:203Dalamar209.01, 17:30, by #7153Lord DEATHisNEAR

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