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Complaints and applications - Finance and others


Topic Date
Author Last message
i am Illegal12.18, 19:444#7382prasath12.18, 23:04, by #7153Queen_Amanda
pliz blocket my lords!12.17, 21:185_ricarj_12.18, 17:32, by FaithBringer
Multiacc12.18, 13:561KnightSlayer12.18, 13:56, by KnightSlayer
please read meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee12.18, 10:345bbly12.18, 13:28, by Lord firsthero
http://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=14804612.18, 10:161Lord Roman39212.18, 10:16, by Lord Roman392
illegal Transfers - chinsiang021312.17, 16:461Lord Gott12.17, 16:46, by Lord Gott
illegal transfer nd multi char of sarvanan12.17, 11:153aka4712.17, 11:35, by #9595Albertsen
Illegal transfers , multis - Likemi112.17, 08:204Lord Erebes12.17, 08:29, by ghostzodi
financial assist and general rule break12.17, 02:411#7279jjww12.17, 02:41, by #7279jjww
Please adms consider block this player because of his name12.16, 20:418Tryckyster12.16, 23:25, by #7279shock2255
Transfers12.16, 19:441Lord Urbass12.16, 19:44, by Lord Urbass
illegal Transfers..12.16, 04:485Dragon_Rider12.16, 16:45, by Lord Jasper319
Financial assist12.16, 12:462#7181Lord Luckas12.16, 12:47, by #7181Lord Luckas
block me please12.16, 11:283RIO_DON12.16, 11:30, by Pang
Transfers12.15, 10:235hacker1112.16, 11:23, by Lord HeartBreakkid
Illegal transfer!12.16, 00:514Dennis32512.16, 02:06, by #7490discount
Illegal transfers12.15, 23:341OngZhiyang12.15, 23:34, by OngZhiyang
zablokirujte menja12.15, 18:092_ricarj_12.15, 18:13, by Lord HeartBreakkid
illegal transfers12.15, 16:041Lord Drakkar12.15, 16:04, by Lord Drakkar
Block me12.15, 15:541Lady kuzia12.15, 15:54, by Lady kuzia
Unclear TGI transactions12.15, 12:547#7490drachenflame12.15, 15:40, by Lady Straws
Money launder12.15, 10:432Lady Straws12.15, 10:51, by Lady Straws
transfers12.15, 10:081ggers12.15, 10:08, by ggers
Illegal Transfer of Lazzaruz12.15, 07:062Planeswalker12.15, 09:36, by OndaNera
multicharacter transfers, begging geting banned12.15, 05:372DONJOSE12.15, 05:49, by Lady Straws
Financial assistance12.15, 04:361#7705Lord Enlightened12.15, 04:36, by #7705Lord Enlightened
more suspicious transfers12.14, 17:503Lord Jasper31912.14, 19:02, by Germanius741852
illegal transfers12.14, 09:133Lord NeverDieAlone12.14, 13:18, by Ashlim
Illegal transfers, possible multi's - armyofdarkness12.13, 18:012#7365Slynky12.13, 20:23, by GodOfMan
tryng to scam my friends account12.13, 14:365killerkalle20012.13, 16:32, by Zyanya

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