Forums-->Gratitudes and congratulations <|73|74|75|76|77|78|79|80|81|82|83|>
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Anshuman0007 for getting the rare hamster in battle | 06.19, 13:28 | 7 | shashwatme | 06.19, 14:21, by shashwatme | The Best Roulette Player | 06.18, 21:07 | 15 | Dungeon2011 | 06.19, 12:21, by Lord PLAY-LIKE-A-PR0 | Congrats to seanckx- stopped roulette | 06.18, 14:10 | 13 | Lord seanckx | 06.19, 08:12, by Lord seanckx | -LIGHTNING- is now a half-millionaire!! | 06.17, 21:53 | 5 | _I_AM_THE_BEST_ | 06.19, 01:52, by KnightofDusk | S-u-n-n-y Reaches level 14 !! | 06.16, 09:56 | 6 | Lord Hallion91 | 06.17, 11:27, by Lord Khellendros | †† Alert: New Thief in Town ! †† | 06.16, 14:27 | 7 | Lord Jedi-Knight | 06.17, 08:49, by Lord DaveM | >>Lucid-Naz<<|>>GG 9<< | 06.16, 08:01 | 2 | narutoayan | 06.16, 08:22, by Lord Khellendros | Knightman39 Happy Birthday ^_^ | 06.15, 18:28 | 13 | romanic_ | 06.16, 07:48, by agent_004 | New thief in town - xzc | 06.10, 15:34 | 10 | GKH | 06.16, 02:17, by Lord Craig080 | PLAY-LIKE-A-PR0 -> CL 6 | 06.14, 15:34 | 14 | Lord DecayWolf | 06.15, 16:37, by elferds | Tutanhamon reaches CG lvl 1 | 06.14, 08:33 | 11 | r_vamshi | 06.15, 12:09, by Dbest | Yrmgarld CL-12 | 06.12, 17:49 | 8 | Lord spicydevil | 06.15, 10:20, by Lord Jedi-Knight | WindFireThuinder>LV6 | 06.07, 12:24 | 12 | WindFireThunder | 06.14, 15:40, by joechue | Baweja - LG 6 | 06.05, 11:41 | 23 | Born_2_Rule | 06.14, 08:31, by r_vamshi | El seighul Necro fsp 11 | 06.13, 04:52 | 14 | gastroenterolog | 06.14, 04:10, by Lord DragonEater | Dachick lv 13!! | 06.04, 19:00 | 16 | slayerofall | 06.14, 03:38, by slayerofall | Assnfiks --> 4th Dwarf Faction Skill | 06.08, 08:10 | 8 | Assnfiks | 06.13, 09:32, by Lord Khellendros | Ravna CL 13 | 06.12, 05:33 | 12 | Sudipto | 06.13, 06:05, by knightman39 | ^^^Roars-of-Night happy b'day^^^ | 06.11, 13:57 | 6 | Dbest | 06.12, 13:36, by Dbest | Sudipto CL 12 | 06.11, 11:25 | 3 | Lord Baweja | 06.11, 12:12, by narutoayan | GKH - Combat Level 13 | 06.10, 16:35 | 8 | narutoayan | 06.11, 07:47, by Lord syrian | DaveM ---> CL 13 | 06.02, 08:10 | 23 | narutoayan | 06.11, 07:42, by Lord syrian | Stupefy - CL 8 | 06.10, 10:40 | 9 | Lord shawnanston | 06.11, 07:41, by Lord syrian | Syrian cl 14 | 06.09, 12:27 | 30 | HeckMcTreck | 06.11, 07:40, by Lord syrian | agent_004 happy birthday ^^ | 06.09, 08:01 | 12 | agent_004 | 06.09, 13:18, by cargo456 | rollowz> LG 3 | 06.08, 07:18 | 7 | rollowz | 06.08, 10:21, by narutoayan | Triscot lv 10!!! | 06.07, 09:31 | 2 | gt4dom | 06.07, 12:08, by Lord eddyimmanuel | finally tis guy get blocked | 06.03, 07:27 | 23 | Lord Rufus07 | 06.07, 11:31, by gmt325gh | !^-->Narutoayan<--^! ------> LG 6 Reached | 06.04, 08:37 | 17 | You-R-Gone | 06.05, 17:11, by elferds | ^^^ddbest happy b'day^^^ | 06.03, 16:10 | 13 | Dbest | 06.05, 08:59, by Lord Topshe |