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Topic Date
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Bullet Dodger: CL 1105.21, 15:266REd Pois0n05.21, 18:07, by kushagra5
Alex_sarvesh-CL 505.20, 14:4911blazingarpit05.21, 11:58, by ishan
blazingarpit turns 20 today!05.18, 09:1331ishan05.20, 16:17, by #4201imknight28
Alex_sarvesh-CL 3 within 14 hrs. of registering05.12, 02:5620blazingarpit05.19, 20:51, by Alex_sarvesh
_-_Kratos_-_ Necromancer racial 11!05.08, 21:4432#9595Tony05.17, 18:55, by ShyElf
blazingarpit-smith's guild lvl 2.05.15, 19:2813ishan05.17, 09:38, by kushagra5
European Foreign Legion MC now has a depo!05.08, 13:1637#4201Arctic05.14, 14:14, by Dionysus
blazingarpit- LG 705.13, 12:5818ishan05.14, 14:00, by #7490ayush20
Erathia --> 106th Survival Tournament, First place!05.13, 05:2118SwiftGirl05.14, 03:58, by #7279DreamStrike
Alex_sarvesh-HG 2 within one day of registration05.12, 14:3816blazingarpit05.13, 22:42, by devin_2011
RecorderPT combat level 1505.09, 16:4010Lady Abby05.13, 09:20, by ElfPride
Elrond reaches CL 1405.09, 21:2827Garudorm05.13, 07:54, by Dionysus
For Awesome Arctic05.12, 15:041VanillaBlue05.12, 15:04, by VanillaBlue
*** Ur_End_is_here ===> Cl 10 ***05.09, 22:146I_N_S_A_N_E05.11, 18:51, by Ur_End_Is_Here
I_N_S_A_N_E ===>>> CL 605.08, 21:2916Ur_End_Is_Here05.11, 15:53, by -Loricia-
Lord_DarkFire Combat Level 1305.06, 03:5012RecorderPT05.10, 19:43, by Sir Jedi Knight
DieSlowly! Level 12!05.10, 01:073Darkest Elf05.10, 19:40, by Sir Jedi Knight
~*~ Lord Khellendros ~*~ Gold Medal in the Mixed tournament ~*~04.29, 06:1447CreatorOfWidows05.10, 17:42, by #7490Theatre Of Pain
Lord Kinox ==> Lvl 1105.09, 17:499Music_ON05.10, 12:53, by I_N_S_A_N_E
Congratz to me05.09, 08:4513#7705Loafoant05.10, 06:38, by I_N_S_A_N_E
New thief on sever, he is vry dangerous be careful!!04.29, 20:3222- Maszi-05.06, 17:07, by Naturef
Clementine -> CG 2 in level 11!!!04.28, 01:0419#4201_Sworks_05.04, 10:25, by #9595Lord Patrickou
Mr Bonedragon --> CL 1605.01, 23:4725Laco2405.04, 06:55, by I_N_S_A_N_E
Happy Birthday to www.lordswm.com05.01, 00:5841SonMike05.01, 20:52, by ShyElf
** Edwin and Lady Laitha is official an couple **04.19, 22:0964#4201Lord Khellendros04.30, 15:02, by JeveragJettison
Tony --> CL 1704.27, 01:3328Laco2404.30, 14:44, by Erekose
saskat2 -> Combat Level 1504.21, 17:0814#9595Lord Patrickou04.30, 11:39, by ishan
** Count TigerClaw reaches Top smith level **04.24, 23:4217#7705Lord Fosgeen04.28, 18:45, by Lady Laitha
blazingarpit-TG 604.24, 15:3623ishan04.27, 19:47, by #4201Lord DarkAtom
velniukstis ---> CL 1404.19, 15:579I_N_S_A_N_E04.27, 11:44, by Ur_End_Is_Here

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