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Topic Date
Author Last message
Esra breaks into CL1405.27, 21:5115#9595Igles05.30, 15:35, by #9595Esra
gonlador reached Smiths' guild 805.26, 21:468#7490AzagToth05.27, 21:39, by #5722Trafalgar D Law
congrats to otvet on lv 13!05.26, 15:421#1519slayerofall05.26, 15:42, by #1519slayerofall
Rikudosennin reaches lvl 16!!! Congrats05.12, 07:0222#1519slayerofall05.19, 20:19, by #1209rikudosennin
Triz gets AG2!05.05, 05:316#7490Botmun05.11, 09:27, by #5722Trafalgar D Law
jahadad reaches level 2005.04, 21:0817#7490avelox05.09, 14:39, by #1209rikudosennin
slayerofall reaches mg9 after insane mg day04.28, 23:2210#7490Majblomma05.05, 03:44, by #1519slayerofall
Murali reaches MG 10!04.29, 21:1010#4201virtual_vitrea05.01, 16:36, by #1519Lord Ragnaros
congrats electivire on lv 16!04.29, 14:414#1519slayerofall04.29, 19:10, by #1209rikudosennin
Congrats to Betrayer _Mon_04.20, 16:323kchong04.20, 18:03, by #7490Meshy
Marhallet reaches cl 17 finally03.28, 01:3718#7490y0Junior04.18, 18:20, by vicky666
Arekino reached CL14!04.17, 17:599#5722Trafalgar D Law04.18, 07:41, by Sage Jiraiya
Newsflash: Triggered individual is happy to reach level 1503.20, 01:4015#9595Igles03.22, 19:39, by #1519slayerofall
Thank you Hamster!03.18, 22:3813#1209mellor03.22, 04:19, by Ur_end_is_here II
Another Player gets TG11!03.13, 05:5116#7490Botmun03.16, 15:11, by #1209latawica
Mega demon reaches CL 17!03.11, 05:2212vicky66603.12, 16:02, by #7153DetherocEvil
Berpkoman reaches AG 203.06, 01:4120#9595yashu1232303.10, 10:10, by #9595Tagher011_2
Igles Wiggles into lvl1603.05, 00:4521#9595merlin3603.07, 00:34, by #9595Patou
Lord Nebiros chad-walks into level 1503.01, 15:5715#9595Igles03.07, 00:32, by #9595Patou
Merlin36 is now 17 just one more level away from being ‘Legal’02.28, 15:5917#9595Igles03.06, 04:47, by #9595thaidye15
Trafalgar D Law gets CL16!03.04, 06:1816#7490Botmun03.05, 20:03, by #1209latawica
Botmun reaches Lvl 1603.02, 22:4727#1209rikudosennin03.05, 11:30, by #9595yashu12323
Sage Jiraiya reached Lvl 1502.28, 21:4116#1209rikudosennin03.02, 14:37, by #9595rohanarora
we are 14 years old!03.01, 16:104#7705Warlock naviron03.01, 19:14, by Void_Moon
latawica - CL2302.22, 20:5430#7490RADO02.28, 10:49, by grif
Hidora Kai is LeG10!02.24, 07:506#5722Trafalgar D Law02.25, 19:48, by B-D
Congratulations Tagher for his lucky charm! And also for reaching level 1202.15, 03:0724#9595Igles02.25, 09:14, by #9595Tagher011_2
rikudosennin hit WG4 like a BOSS!02.19, 05:5514#5722Trafalgar D Law02.21, 21:42, by #9595urdit
Edgelord Arekino slices into level 13 with his edge02.20, 22:408#9595Igles02.21, 21:40, by #9595urdit
Not so noobgamerarmy reaches lvl14!02.07, 04:1516#9595merlin3602.09, 21:24, by #9595rohanarora

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