Forums-->Off-game forum <|109|110|111|112|113|114|115|116|117|118|119|>
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Future best player!!! | 08.30, 09:16 | 24 | Lord HeartBreakkid | 09.02, 09:38, by  Omega22 | friends list | 09.01, 01:36 | 11 | hockeymaniac | 09.02, 08:32, by Lord Head-Shot | Iphone 3G | 08.31, 18:03 | 19 | HELME | 09.01, 21:38, by hunt4food | miss settlement, and troops can't do any turn | 09.01, 14:51 | 8 | Lord tnikolai | 09.01, 19:01, by Romiah | about roulette | 09.01, 17:01 | 2 | Different | 09.01, 17:01, by Different | Check my price! | 08.31, 14:35 | 12 | nnt000 | 09.01, 14:17, by nnt000 | Blocking sites? | 09.01, 12:54 | 2 | Lord Head-Shot | 09.01, 12:55, by  Lord Kotrin | Yours feet | 08.31, 21:08 | 5 | Houl | 09.01, 10:01, by Lady Straws | admin for a day | 08.27, 11:59 | 38 | power9000 | 09.01, 08:59, by power9000 | check out this one | 09.01, 08:02 | 3 | Lord HeartBreakkid | 09.01, 08:19, by  Lord Kotrin | look | 08.30, 09:45 | 19 | Lord hihi | 09.01, 02:44, by PeRsOnv2 | For all my friends and people i have battled with. | 08.31, 09:46 | 2 | Hard0wn3r | 08.31, 16:35, by Lord abdullah | CHAMPIONS LEAGUE who will win | 08.31, 12:11 | 5 | nokio | 08.31, 14:08, by hiddenshadow | Malaysia Independence Day | 08.30, 17:11 | 7 | Lady WindElf | 08.31, 10:02, by Lord thief568 | WOOT... | 08.30, 10:56 | 9 | Vasto_Lorde | 08.31, 00:41, by Lady Takesister | I need suggestions to choose my 3° faction | 08.30, 16:45 | 6 | syperdestroyer | 08.30, 17:10, by syperdestroyer | I'm bored :/ | 08.25, 08:11 | 34 | Lord Head-Shot | 08.30, 11:04, by Vasto_Lorde | Giant skeleton on map =) | 08.23, 20:36 | 9 | Zarebrant | 08.30, 10:54, by Vasto_Lorde | What is the maximum money you guys lost in roulette? | 08.29, 05:37 | 10 | dragon2v | 08.30, 10:51, by Vasto_Lorde | Happy 51st Birthday Michael Jackson!! | 08.29, 07:51 | 11 | Michaelangelo | 08.29, 19:41, by diversecity | How many of u guys are Indians? | 08.29, 07:11 | 9 | dragon2v | 08.29, 07:59, by Lord Io-AKA-oI | Best player | 08.27, 04:57 | 34 | Lord Head-Shot | 08.29, 06:28, by Lord Head-Shot | Thieves' guild | 08.28, 12:09 | 12 | 62353535pizza | 08.28, 12:29, by nnt000 | Come for the dark side! | 08.28, 06:34 | 16 | Houl | 08.28, 11:56, by Houl | Interesting relationships | 08.28, 01:41 | 5 | Geryon | 08.28, 08:06, by Lord Head-Shot | Omg! | 08.27, 16:43 | 5 | Houl | 08.27, 21:46, by Houl | 3 word story | 08.04, 17:56 | 646 |  PheonixHunter | 08.27, 17:18, by Tetzeal | I salute China_blue99 | 08.25, 08:54 | 15 | Lord Head-Shot | 08.27, 11:05, by Lord Head-Shot | > Countdown < | 07.22, 08:20 | 69 | Lady Straws | 08.27, 02:18, by Lady Straws | Many apologies for my lack of activity | 08.22, 01:41 | 5 |  limustudotcom | 08.26, 17:12, by nnt000 |