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Topic Date
Author Last message
Clan fee changed11.16, 10:333Dragondbz111.16, 10:37, by Dragondbz1
knight-elf conspirators?11.16, 10:097Death_magic11.16, 10:36, by Death_magic
Group Battles FAQ11.16, 10:024Shargun11.16, 10:16, by Shargun
Thieving Win Loss Caravan Adjustments11.16, 09:571Lord Ravensclaw11.16, 09:57, by Lord Ravensclaw
where we can find the list of War-Clans?11.16, 09:013Lady Mohini11.16, 09:05, by Lady Mohini
Is Any New factories opened ?11.16, 08:335Lady Mohini11.16, 08:59, by Lady Mohini
new artifact?11.16, 08:446Wrong_name11.16, 08:52, by Wrong_name
Sprites or ForestKeeper's ( Game discussion )11.16, 07:343MightySordax11.16, 07:42, by Wrong_name
Resources11.16, 07:362MightySordax11.16, 07:37, by gurumao
ffa's? teaming11.16, 07:043Death_magic11.16, 07:07, by gurumao
which mobile can we use to enroll from flash code?11.16, 06:236nnt00011.16, 06:51, by nnt000
can some1 answer my question pls11.16, 03:228Dark_Lordy11.16, 06:00, by filowarrior
Mercenary element.11.16, 02:565Grayman11.16, 04:30, by Grayman
show filters?11.16, 03:277Lord HeartBreakkid11.16, 04:11, by Lord HeartBreakkid
estates11.16, 03:163shock255511.16, 03:20, by shock2555
Enrolling - do hunts count as combats?11.16, 02:134Rapter11.16, 02:54, by Lord coolsuperj
Faction Skill update11.16, 02:273Dionysus11.16, 02:46, by Dionysus
House auction11.16, 02:039#7279jjww11.16, 02:42, by Lady Takesister
Potion of oblivion question and11.16, 02:342Rapter11.16, 02:41, by Lady Takesister
Houses11.16, 02:142Lord Ghost_Face11.16, 02:18, by Lord Ghost_Face
Would this be considered a violation? Plz help11.16, 01:464#7279Lord Liuker11.16, 01:56, by #7279Lord Liuker
About enrolling11.16, 01:493Lord HeartBreakkid11.16, 01:54, by Lord HeartBreakkid
control of areas and facilities11.15, 15:194Lady misaisagona11.16, 00:29, by Lady Takesister
MG11.15, 22:392Lord Chance1211.15, 22:47, by #7181Omega22
Who is the Best wizzard at lvl 10 ?11.15, 22:108BadBoyTavi11.15, 22:30, by #7181Omega22
DE level 6 talents.11.15, 22:163Grayman11.15, 22:19, by Grayman
Who are the new best thieves?11.15, 14:375Lord RicOz611.15, 22:04, by #4201Rowen_Aridu
What is this : Independence ??11.15, 21:596#7425Blackartus11.15, 22:01, by #7181Omega22
Question about the new units11.15, 21:501Javi11.15, 21:50, by Javi
What is 'Independence'?11.15, 21:207Lord Chance1211.15, 21:31, by #7181Omega22

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