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Factions | 02.24, 09:42 | 6 | harshitshah1993 | 02.24, 12:05, by harshitshah1993 | About the account being block | 02.23, 10:00 | 13 | i_am_the_best | 02.24, 07:45, by  Corey | ? | 02.23, 22:14 | 3 | nwe | 02.23, 22:24, by nwe | Roulette | 02.22, 18:49 | 16 | Dark_Lazo | 02.23, 22:05, by PrettyElf | Alt Dwarf | 02.23, 21:21 | 5 | Xhuda | 02.23, 21:39, by Poison Ivy | Blocking of clean account | 02.23, 13:36 | 11 | rockidol | 02.23, 20:02, by rockidol | Mercenaries' guild | 02.23, 16:38 | 3 |  legend-bouc | 02.23, 19:41, by  legend-bouc | Empire Defender Day | 02.23, 13:18 | 3 | DoomX | 02.23, 13:23, by DoomX | Thief Set | 02.23, 03:37 | 3 | randomr1 | 02.23, 07:05, by randomr1 | Pendant of trinity | 02.23, 02:41 | 3 | Vengeful Spirit | 02.23, 03:29, by Vengeful Spirit | How Talent skill 'Defense' and 'Enchanted armors' work? | 02.22, 22:59 | 8 | TheKnightsss | 02.23, 02:55, by  Lord Fosgeen | About an old account | 02.22, 13:46 | 5 | _elf_007_ | 02.22, 13:57, by _elf_007_ | Leveling Up | 02.21, 14:42 | 5 | DoomX | 02.22, 04:23, by DoomX | Labourers guild | 02.21, 22:40 | 3 | Dark_Lazo | 02.21, 22:45, by Dark_Lazo | army | 02.20, 20:03 | 4 |  legend-bouc | 02.21, 07:32, by Black Fog | get stuck in a battle, please help me out!!! | 02.21, 00:08 | 3 |  bp99 | 02.21, 00:46, by Dragon Eater | New message "artifacts are not worn" in battle result | 02.20, 17:00 | 3 | dariel | 02.20, 17:08, by Poison Ivy | Demonic Soldier Set | 02.19, 17:34 | 4 | Wonderla | 02.19, 18:05, by Wonderla | Survilurgs | 02.18, 15:04 | 4 | _CrackpoT_ | 02.19, 00:06, by  Corey | mines gone? Works on server? | 02.18, 22:30 | 13 |  Lord Fosgeen | 02.18, 23:23, by randomr1 | server issue | 02.18, 22:41 | 4 | randomr1 | 02.18, 23:18, by randomr1 | Level 7 elf TG tips | 02.18, 19:39 | 9 | randomr1 | 02.18, 22:51, by randomr1 | Magic School Level 3 | 02.18, 02:13 | 6 | john1924 | 02.18, 11:46, by Poison Ivy | Army recruit script + castle changes | 02.17, 12:11 | 4 |  Viod | 02.17, 14:46, by  Viod | Thief's Guild | 02.17, 02:14 | 6 | randomr1 | 02.17, 03:09, by randomr1 | Renting non-shop arts | 02.17, 00:11 | 3 | randomr1 | 02.17, 01:29, by randomr1 | Bug when using pre-set talents? | 02.15, 20:33 | 3 |  Majblomma | 02.16, 23:13, by  Corey | Valentines Day | 02.16, 14:32 | 2 | Epsileon | 02.16, 14:56, by AKA | Money | 02.15, 16:16 | 15 | HairyMonkey | 02.16, 14:00, by  Lord DarkAtom | Reference link | 02.16, 13:20 | 5 | HairyMonkey | 02.16, 13:56, by HairyMonkey |