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Topic Date
Author Last message
Skeletons08.11, 11:034tomhbk508.12, 03:01, by Horang
spell damage08.11, 14:018Freako08.12, 01:52, by _YuaNx_
please help08.11, 21:004master_killer08.11, 23:46, by _YuaNx_
<Wizard> miniarts and fees08.11, 21:543Lord Zehir08.11, 23:29, by Lord Zehir
map08.11, 20:393Lord rags08.11, 21:42, by Caliera
Invalid Enroll code - Please help08.11, 17:273Rayzor08.11, 20:42, by Rayzor
Please Help08.11, 20:143Isaac9908.11, 20:33, by spartan300
Little confused...regarding Guilds I.E. Mercs/Hunters etc...08.11, 19:545Scarboni08.11, 20:11, by Lord UnderDog
Should Elfs Get Full Sprites instead of forest keepers?08.11, 13:564Xx69Fate96xX08.11, 19:30, by Mirz
Diamonds - not possible to change gold for diamond08.11, 12:1925#9595Lord hablaty08.11, 19:17, by Lord Javald
skill points08.10, 20:257ions08.11, 16:50, by Lord Xelab
Gold08.11, 14:519tomhbk508.11, 16:45, by spartan300
Gargoyles08.11, 14:582tomhbk508.11, 15:02, by Fiot
how do you get gems and all that stuff??08.10, 19:003Hero308.11, 14:12, by Dutch_Owner
Barbarians-invaders {0}' have captured the '#2 - Ore pit'.08.11, 09:0110#7279Yinx08.11, 12:38, by Lord KAMAZ
Offence, bad language08.11, 12:202Lord NoobS_MusT_Die08.11, 12:37, by Fiot
artifact that give initiative for necromancer08.11, 05:295fleur08.11, 11:39, by Fiot
move to another location08.11, 04:284kiddocoo08.11, 05:55, by Lord Agelage
chance on getting master hunter artifacts???08.10, 23:029Mirz08.11, 05:53, by Lord Agelage
what is Dark witches?08.11, 00:553balaboo08.11, 02:45, by Lord Agelage
reputation in mercenaries guild08.10, 20:294Obergon08.11, 02:22, by Lord dynastyera
wizard troop arts08.07, 01:0411Misti08.11, 01:56, by Misti
Turns08.10, 10:055Lord randomer08.11, 01:55, by Lord dynastyera
Knights08.10, 09:2217Lord wildwild08.11, 01:02, by navimegaman
ressources08.10, 23:315Lord dakar08.11, 00:58, by Lord dakar
why do i have so few troops compared to every1 else?08.10, 16:537tazp12308.11, 00:54, by Flesh-n-Machine
pictures?08.11, 00:333jakechen08.11, 00:46, by Lord dynastyera
magic mirror08.10, 18:425-ravenant08.10, 22:37, by FaithBringer
how do i upgrade my parimiters08.10, 21:511BookaD08.10, 21:51, by BookaD
whats the porcentage of flee of ghosts?08.10, 19:014Jambro08.10, 21:38, by Mirz

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