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Combat problems


Topic Date
Author Last message
Wrong courses mobs-golems05.15, 11:191Lord Rus_bear05.15, 11:19, by Lord Rus_bear
lightning immune05.10, 10:123Lord axiz_axe05.10, 18:23, by Lord axiz_axe
bug05.05, 13:585#3305SAMOTRON05.09, 06:43, by matrixsteve
Mistress shot didn't ricochet05.05, 17:531#7153Flour05.05, 17:53, by #7153Flour
Mana + ressurrect in Rebel camp05.04, 05:314#7490Lord AzagToth05.05, 05:03, by coolahed
Battle result doesn't make sense05.01, 21:122#7153Flour05.02, 16:18, by BodySnatcher
Minotaurs from the grave05.01, 11:062Awesomeness05.01, 11:15, by Awesomeness
blinfold04.30, 17:342dhruvr04.30, 17:37, by dhruvr
There is no balance04.29, 04:187hamster-killerr04.29, 09:52, by #4201Magier
i did not get hunt ranking :(04.27, 20:077lordgandalf00704.28, 08:38, by lordgandalf007
battle loading problem04.19, 17:514velniukstis04.25, 08:49, by velniukstis
Battle Stucked.04.19, 11:452I_C4Nt_L4Y_EgGs04.19, 11:47, by I_C4Nt_L4Y_EgGs
Bug in combat04.16, 15:521Lord ZenoMX04.16, 15:52, by Lord ZenoMX
bug with loading bout04.12, 18:2212#1512Lord BoJIoD9I04.15, 16:17, by #7705Lord Reaperthug
Bug with fire wall02.20, 05:353#7279MoxSapphire04.14, 04:44, by #7279Lord pptandppt
Bug - favored enamy - green dragon04.11, 20:505Lord Flexxxy04.12, 12:13, by Lord Flexxxy
why there are special symbols on my exprience log??04.05, 08:443chealsea-legend04.08, 10:43, by Lord NatureWarrior
Poisoning and pierce magic04.02, 06:4211Lord vishnus04.03, 02:09, by Lord vishnus
why i take 3 morale ,but my amy still take freeze in fear?03.19, 06:047bb_K201003.27, 20:23, by Lord Atheros
why i cant fight with other people in Tavern?03.14, 16:104Lord Jack-Sparrow03.16, 06:07, by Lord Jack-Sparrow
Stuck in GT03.12, 23:501#7153meomari03.12, 23:50, by #7153meomari
stunning myt enemy from stack 503.06, 01:3810WindFireThunder03.11, 14:30, by WindFireThunder
Speed increase at wrong time01.17, 13:432#7153DragonFlayer03.10, 06:50, by Lord BigBum
What do you mean titanium should go but he does not go03.10, 05:231Catan03.10, 05:23, by Catan
Sirens special ability question?02.27, 09:442#7153Lady M201003.04, 20:10, by Soturi570
dual hunt02.27, 04:464#4201Xcalnarok02.28, 16:07, by #4201Xcalnarok
Crusaders02.24, 18:023Sion02.26, 10:18, by nicoll
Jade dragons bug01.16, 19:596Bildukas02.23, 02:45, by Lord moro88
Problem with loading02.17, 14:351Lord 73RUS02.17, 14:35, by Lord 73RUS
Initiative problem02.08, 09:034Necrogunz02.09, 06:32, by Necrogunz

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