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Problems and errors (general)


Topic Date
Author Last message
I am pretty certain there is a bug (or a game design fault) with Reanimation08.13, 23:415Lord shadowcaller08.19, 07:03, by ElfPride
-2 luck glitch08.18, 16:431Mockster08.18, 16:43, by Mockster
Small bug08.12, 22:433Kunoichi_108.13, 16:16, by Cadet Yuko
:@@08.11, 20:309ShyElf08.12, 00:30, by Dr Damage
Hunt is not available08.10, 15:221girlcoolline08.10, 15:22, by girlcoolline
merc guild07.31, 01:364#4201Mihaip07.31, 15:04, by #4201Mihaip
gargoyles bug07.28, 14:122#7490Dark_Snow07.28, 14:52, by #4201Magier
Discrepancy on game terminology in descriptions07.25, 12:472Empress Ansi07.28, 08:08, by ElfPride
graphic bug on LWM header06.16, 17:065guyb07.25, 17:11, by #4201Magier
SERVER CRASH --- ROULETTE MONEY LOST07.13, 13:5910#7705Silent107.25, 17:05, by #4201Magier
Problems with the 110 survival tournament dark elf lv 507.08, 12:014worst_nightmare07.08, 12:46, by #7490Majblomma
Problems with the 110 survival tournament dark elf lv 507.08, 11:573worst_nightmare07.08, 12:03, by #4201Corey
Freeze on "Recruiting"07.03, 15:097Derelict07.05, 01:42, by Derelict
quick tournament ap06.28, 22:4324themassive07.01, 14:27, by 4themassive
Cheating Pheonix06.29, 19:4211#7705Warlock naviron07.01, 06:20, by ElfPride
tavern drink effect extends06.24, 16:2194themassive06.27, 04:33, by Grusharaburas
Repair costs06.20, 09:1014tunaphish06.23, 13:24, by kushagra5
Battle for Facilities06.21, 15:242Archmage Shawn06.21, 16:36, by Fallen Atheros
Cant write messages06.18, 11:371kushagra506.18, 11:37, by kushagra5
Card game06.11, 21:041ShyElf06.11, 21:04, by ShyElf
enrollment problem06.11, 16:255King_Shashwat06.11, 18:15, by #7153Lord hpsim
enrollment problem06.11, 16:285King_Shashwat06.11, 17:23, by Marquise
Knight spell book. Mana written wrong.06.01, 13:5512Dr Damage06.11, 09:51, by kushagra5
"Shift" doesn't work06.01, 09:377TheMarsh06.02, 18:51, by I_N_S_A_N_E
Why can rocs retaliate against shrews?04.23, 05:449Guinevere06.02, 15:46, by vicky666
Premature death06.02, 13:432#7705Warlock naviron06.02, 14:09, by ayush20
Enroll05.24, 10:4949ClingZ05.30, 19:46, by vicky666
CANT DO MY ENROLL05.30, 09:263echidno05.30, 09:55, by #7153DEATHisNEAR
MG quest bug05.30, 03:471Makarchuck05.30, 03:47, by Makarchuck
bug in tg battle05.30, 02:241#7490iwinulose05.30, 02:24, by #7490iwinulose

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