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Topic Date
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[2023.08.21] Day of Quick Battles08.21, 00:001Empire08.21, 00:00, by Empire
200k gold giveaway (10k gold for each person)08.19, 15:3535sareth08.20, 13:59, by #3305oktogen
[2023.08.20] Day of Automation08.20, 00:001Empire08.20, 00:00, by Empire
[2023.08.19] Day of Immortality08.19, 00:001Empire08.19, 00:00, by Empire
[2023.08.18] Day of Followers08.18, 00:001Empire08.18, 00:00, by Empire
[2023.08.17] Day of Haste08.17, 00:001Empire08.17, 00:00, by Empire
[2023.08.16] Day of Barbarians08.16, 00:002Empire08.16, 22:04, by #7705Lord Mora
[2023.08.15] Day of the Adventurer08.15, 00:001Empire08.15, 00:00, by Empire
[2023.08.14] Day of Duels08.14, 00:001Empire08.14, 00:00, by Empire
[2023.08.13] Day of Quick Tournaments08.13, 00:001Empire08.13, 00:00, by Empire
[2023.08.12] Day of Clan Bonuses08.12, 00:001Empire08.12, 00:00, by Empire
[2023.08.11] Day of Rampant forest spirits08.11, 00:004Empire08.11, 03:22, by #9595Another Player
[2023.08.10] Day of the Falcon08.10, 00:001Empire08.10, 00:00, by Empire
Smugglers event08.01, 18:5139#9595bp9908.09, 20:31, by #7705elven_blade
[2023.08.09] Day of Level 1 Creatures08.09, 00:001Empire08.09, 00:00, by Empire
[2023.08.08] Day of the Mercenary08.08, 00:002Empire08.08, 20:43, by #9595Happy_orc
[2023.08.07] Day of the Tracker08.07, 00:001Empire08.07, 00:00, by Empire
[2023.08.06] Day of Gambling08.06, 00:001Empire08.06, 00:00, by Empire
[2023.08.05] Day of Quick Battles08.05, 00:001Empire08.05, 00:00, by Empire
[2023.08.04] Day of Recruiting08.04, 00:001Empire08.04, 00:00, by Empire
[2023.08.03] Day of Helpful Hunters08.03, 00:001Empire08.03, 00:00, by Empire
[2023.08.02] Day of Group Battles08.02, 00:001Empire08.02, 00:00, by Empire
[2023.08.01] More-Bang-for-Buck Day08.01, 00:001Empire08.01, 00:00, by Empire
[2023.07.31] Day of New Hunts07.31, 00:001Empire07.31, 00:00, by Empire
[2023.07.30] Day of Rampant dragons07.30, 00:005Empire07.30, 17:21, by #9595Another Player
[2023.07.29] Day of the Leader07.29, 00:001Empire07.29, 00:00, by Empire
[2023.07.28] Day of the Undead07.28, 00:001Empire07.28, 00:00, by Empire
[2023.07.27] Day of Safe Passing07.27, 00:001Empire07.27, 00:00, by Empire
[2023.07.26] Day of Automation07.26, 00:001Empire07.26, 00:00, by Empire
[2023.07.25] Day of Hauling07.25, 00:001Empire07.25, 00:00, by Empire

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