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Topic Date
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Dwarf Level 10 Build(Holy or Attack or defensive)01.24, 10:064one_by_zero01.24, 10:36, by #4201virtual_vitrea
Practical Labwork01.18, 13:5176Gaara01.21, 12:34, by Anony-mouse
[HWM Daily] Alternative builds. Elves with Nature Magic builds. Part 201.18, 19:2410l_e_s_e_n_a01.21, 05:20, by SinOfDusk
Portal of Time !!!01.19, 12:057Ultimate Mage01.19, 12:28, by #4201Arctic
Mini-balance01.16, 18:1450Sir_Hulkson01.18, 01:30, by судья_дред
new mentor01.17, 17:063siddi111101.17, 18:28, by siddi1111
Why can't magic miss but still resets the miss counter on ghosts/apparitions ?01.16, 21:2313#4201Black Lumeniac01.16, 22:50, by #4201Arctic
Massive Game Problem: Images and Flash don't load01.14, 10:4013#7705Santremus01.14, 14:10, by ElfPride
Trinkest, what is the best thing u found12.30, 01:2927Majesticos01.12, 01:17, by Majesticos
Holiday Event 4vs4 News from .ru site01.11, 09:245Ultimate Mage01.11, 10:07, by #7490barbmaster
another balancing of the game?01.01, 23:4110debeljuca01.05, 15:30, by ElfMoon
its here) the new year system)) horses(ally) vs evil snake(enemy)12.31, 10:3267siddi111101.04, 00:53, by #4201_Sworks_
The NY Fantasy Quest from Daily12.25, 12:30148#4201Arctic12.31, 13:14, by Jitulek
All about the fir tree12.26, 09:5676Ultimate Mage12.30, 13:30, by #4201Arctic
vaults12.24, 07:27159cyberclops12.30, 06:55, by cyberclops
combat Vs Tolgar - results12.27, 23:5520guyb12.29, 10:40, by Loafoant
Battle with Tolgar12.27, 16:0119Толгар12.27, 22:45, by Толгар
Battle with Abu-Bakir12.26, 21:4415Абу-Бекр12.26, 22:54, by Абу-Бекр
Fir-tree12.26, 09:524Fallen Atheros12.26, 10:39, by ElfPride
The New Year Garrisons - Introduction thread12.22, 02:37351#4201Arctic12.25, 19:57, by NECRO_PL
Chirstmas Event12.17, 23:12112TheChampion12.25, 13:55, by guyb
[HWM Daily] Video contest "Lords celebrate New Year"12.24, 20:2510l_e_s_e_n_a12.24, 21:03, by #7705-_NO--NAME_-
[HWM Daily] Miss HWM 2013 - 2nd round12.22, 21:364l_e_s_e_n_a12.23, 15:29, by Poison Ivy
[HWM Daily] Alternative builds. Elves with Nature Magic builds. Part 112.13, 10:3624l_e_s_e_n_a12.21, 17:00, by #7705-_NO--NAME_-
Recruitment on #7010 LWM - Forum moderators12.05, 05:5119Pang12.13, 07:44, by #7490barbmaster
New Facilities Available12.05, 09:4525I_N_S_A_N_E12.12, 14:52, by Pile_Gp
Official Appeal Commission12.02, 01:3918#4201Arctic12.11, 17:09, by #7705-_NO--NAME_-
[HWM Daily] Miss HWM 201311.20, 16:2242l_e_s_e_n_a12.11, 13:08, by l_e_s_e_n_a
AFK in Thief Ambush12.07, 09:583Forsak3none12.07, 10:27, by Forsak3none
Industrial Changes12.05, 11:224_elf_007_12.05, 12:02, by ElfPride

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