To experience the taste of betrayal, you need to betray first - another very controversial statement that has the right to live on the vast bandit wastelands. However, this rule is not the law, but just a consequence of its imperfection. Which, however, can’t help but be pleasant as the more squabbles there are amongst the ranks of outlaw brethren - the more vulnerable they are in the face of the continuously growing numbers of enemies. Other than that - an adventure is an adventure, and whatever happened in the wastelands should remain there.
Lords and Ladies, according to the report of the guards, the raid to catch suspicious individuals in imperial taverns was successful! The Empire is grateful to all for their significant vigilance!
Those who joined this risky adventure and advanced through the difficulty level 12 or beyond have received a special trophy artifact commemorating their achievements, with its durability depending on the number of silver gained in battles.
Likewise, special honors are due to the top 75 military clans, which have brought up some of the most daring adventurers our lands have ever seen. Rewards and the loyalty of new followers await all those who contributed 25000 or more points to their clan.
Clan rank | Reward | Glory | | 1 | | 1,500 | | 2 | | 1,300 | | 3 | | 1,100 | | 4 | | 1,000 | | 5 - 8 | | 900 | | 9 - 13 | | 800 | 9. | #18 | †Орден Миротворцев† | 13,249,976 | 10. | #823 | Ginger Tail | 13,224,488 | 11. | #5152 | †Огненные рубежи† | 12,694,096 | 12. | #1209 | Any Key | 12,678,229 | 13. | #997 | Бастион Доблести | 12,534,472 |
| 14 - 20 | | 600 | 14. | #17 | Авалон | 12,303,606 | 15. | #7777 | Бессмертные | 12,257,351 | 16. | #846 | IV legion of Elfius: Инквизиция | 12,136,900 | 17. | #14 | Братство Стали | 11,966,065 | 18. | #276 | Молот Ведьм | 11,818,054 | 19. | #10721 | Fire Kingdom | 11,704,722 | 20. | #9426 | Орден Рыцарей - меченосцев | 11,513,950 |
| 21 - 30 | | 500 | 21. | #10557 | Dracarys | 11,209,072 | 22. | #73 | Орден Джедаев | 10,872,888 | 23. | #2302 | II legion of Elfius | 10,541,422 | 24. | #2517 | The Dedicated Fighters | 10,455,037 | 25. | #8433 | _Чудная Долина_ | 10,322,503 | 26. | #302 | Орден Единых | 10,250,612 | 27. | #407 | Asgard | 10,101,588 | 28. | #5169 | Белые волки | 10,050,901 | 29. | #11532 | Greshniki | 9,799,350 | 30. | #249 | Белая Русь | 9,763,093 |
| 31 - 45 | | 400 | 31. | #1512 | † Nekropolis † | 9,755,912 | 32. | #2303 | III legion of Elfius | 9,641,820 | 33. | #3305 | Украина. Величие Запада | 9,562,975 | 34. | #2735 | Ангелы смерти | 9,426,723 | 35. | #5063 | Midgard | 9,349,430 | 36. | #10592 | Холодная Сталь | 9,141,339 | 37. | #2230 | Агенты Хаоса | 9,020,297 | 38. | #5722 | Галерея Теней | 8,660,050 | 39. | #965 | Земли Эльмора | 8,322,453 | 40. | #6118 | Владыки Мира Империи | 8,306,889 | 41. | #728 | Улей | 8,131,393 | 42. | #11576 | Украина. Огнем и Мечом | 8,035,143 | 43. | #3975 | Степное Братство | 7,951,670 | 44. | #2939 | Стая | 7,949,444 | 45. | #12234 | Санаторий Виктория | 7,946,810 |
| 46 - 60 | | 250 | 46. | #2304 | IV legion of Elfius | 7,862,896 | 47. | #57 | Тридевятое королевство | 7,579,494 | 48. | #493 | Говорящие с Ветром | 7,174,363 | 49. | #1790 | Орден "Клинок теней". | 7,078,994 | 50. | #5041 | Орион | 6,720,074 | 51. | #1488 | Тёмная лига Некромантов | 5,712,227 | 52. | #346 | Свои | 5,658,769 | 53. | #414 | Утёс Кастерли | 5,653,906 | 54. | #3695 | Бездельники | 5,533,312 | 55. | #10877 | Warsong Outriders | 5,439,583 | 56. | #1271 | Братство Героев | 5,055,330 | 57. | #7490 | Rising Phoenix | 4,971,535 | 58. | #1787 | Scorpion | 4,823,598 | 59. | #63 | Desperados | 4,694,929 | 60. | #3303 | Украина. Ярость Севера | 4,622,881 |
| 61 - 75 | | 100 | 61. | #1317 | Великое Княжество | 4,422,329 | 62. | #15 | Destiny | 4,011,220 | 63. | #11093 | Warming hellfire | 3,627,795 | 64. | #7705 | † Angels & Demons ? | 3,617,657 | 65. | #11096 | The Witcher | 3,591,511 | 66. | #27 | Орда | 3,141,568 | 67. | #522 | Властители семи ветров | 2,970,184 | 68. | #3346 | Радуга | 2,880,671 | 69. | #933 | Warriors | 2,511,068 | 70. | #708 | Скифия | 2,449,145 | 71. | #11387 | Knights in the Shadows | 2,210,080 | 72. | #9595 | Immortal Dynasty | 2,074,362 | 73. | #4260 | Легион Ордена Тамплиеров | 2,068,660 | 74. | #8921 | Гробница Эльфа | 2,005,662 | 75. | #1254 | Миракулюс | 1,991,992 |
The special honors also extend to the top 5,000 adventurers, those who dared to go further than everyone else. Such prowess will undoubtedly not go unnoticed by followers.
Lord/Lady rank | Reward | 1 - 50 | | 51 - 100 | | 101 - 200 | | 201 - 400 | | 401 - 650 | | 651 - 1000 | | 1001 - 1500 | | 1501 - 2250 | | 2251 - 3000 | | 3001 - 3750 | | 3751 - 5000 | |
Rumors about the escapades of the most dashing adventurers will timelessly wander across the boundless expanses of the outlaw wastelands:
Rank | Lord/Lady | Silver gained | 1. | Venom [20] | 179,643 | 2. | ФилантропЪ [15] | 179,638 | 3. | Банкомёт [18] | 177,541 | 4. | Отдай Кота [15] | 176,492 | 5. | БуумБуум [16] | 176,469 | 6. | fentry [23] | 174,432 | 7. | Томасдурдома [18] | 174,359 | 7. | Lord Ragnaros [19] | 174,359 | 9. | Sfairat_ [19] | 173,420 | 10. | Легионер [22] | 173,380 | 11. | ---red-wolf--- [23] | 173,345 | 12. | Anasteysha [20] | 173,332 | 13. | Блалалайка [16] | 173,304 | 14. | рыбкин [18] | 172,301 | 15. | Антихрист_РнД [21] | 172,278 | 16. | -HENRY- [19] | 171,242 | 17. | HARD LORD [16] | 171,235 | 17. | Mihondr [18] | 171,235 | 19. | anisimov [22] | 171,231 | 20. | z_j_cd [20] | 171,223 | 21. | n1jo [15] | 170,266 | 22. | ion2013 [20] | 170,188 | 22. | Н_е_ф_и_л_и_М [22] | 170,188 | 24. | Researcher [15] | 170,184 | 25. | GOODZINI [15] | 170,174 | 26. | Sacura-Mak [22] | 169,174 | 27. | Negan [18] | 169,155 | 28. | xvxPAINxvx [22] | 168,164 | 29. | Texno [15] | 168,130 | 30. | InfinityAndBeyond [19] | 168,122 | 31. | Avaro [20] | 168,084 | 32. | JaponaLady [17] | 168,066 | 33. | dragon g [21] | 168,065 | 34. | Rmsi [19] | 167,098 | 34. | karlik-leg [23] | 167,098 | 36. | КИЛЕК [15] | 167,090 | 36. | герой-феникса [20] | 167,090 | 38. | M1nsk_Exe [11] | 167,088 | 39. | А л е к с [21] | 167,074 | 40. | Tysivchanin [21] | 167,064 | 41. | Kitana85 [19] | 167,025 | 42. | Eramond [14] | 166,055 | 43. | Masamune [13] | 166,036 | 44. | Ficep [16] | 166,021 | 45. | Акелыч [17] | 166,013 | 46. | Mr smaile [16] | 165,996 | 47. | vasilyich [18] | 165,985 | 47. | CrashJack [17] | 165,985 | 49. | Гармингольд [18] | 165,026 | 50. | D_Wolf_ [20] | 165,006 | 51. | Рохенятко [10] | 164,987 | 52. | -читеренок- [21] | 164,984 | 53. | Ulmo [13] | 164,983 | 54. | реиджер [18] | 164,976 | 55. | Krab [17] | 164,972 | 56. | Sage Jiraiya [18] | 164,968 | 57. | Drake2015 [20] | 164,917 | 58. | Kiler05 [15] | 164,857 | 59. | Рэд Шухов [9] | 164,004 | 60. | Беорн [16] | 163,992 | 61. | TarasLord [16] | 163,981 | 62. | Gradient [23] | 163,974 | 63. | Conro [16] | 163,967 | 64. | LionSN [22] | 163,963 | 65. | track98 [17] | 163,947 | 66. | Нибирунг [15] | 163,932 | 67. | VasVar [22] | 163,925 | 68. | Time_To_Defeat [18] | 163,924 | 69. | Шашечка [15] | 163,912 | 70. | WLZ [13] | 162,940 | 71. | Все люди плохие [16] | 162,929 | 72. | Grin [16] | 162,926 | 73. | Heroes Martin [19] | 162,924 | 73. | VsMoon [17] | 162,924 | 75. | Download_error [16] | 162,902 | 76. | КровавыйОладушек [20] | 162,892 | 77. | AJIbTPYUCT [18] | 162,890 | 78. | NightScorpion98 [17] | 162,889 | 78. | Экспофоб [17] | 162,889 | 80. | lbvflbvf [19] | 162,882 | 80. | Kovvv [14] | 162,882 | 82. | Maverick [20] | 162,878 | 82. | VadKor- [17] | 162,878 | 82. | Vlad3B [12] | 162,878 | 82. | latviesu lords [18] | 162,878 | 86. | Махешвара [18] | 161,926 | 87. | Intikam [19] | 161,882 | 88. | Alex-Das [13] | 161,878 | 89. | S o u l [15] | 161,867 | 90. | Глашка [22] | 161,864 | 91. | Рамос [13] | 161,863 | 92. | -_-Дмитрий-_- [21] | 161,855 | 92. | Кузнец [18] | 161,855 | 92. | A-MeTeOr- [21] | 161,855 | 92. | ужеЛежу [21] | 161,855 | 96. | Влад-Варв [18] | 161,848 | 97. | Svoi [19] | 161,820 | 98. | ShurA_Vi [22] | 161,817 | 99. | dlc [18] | 161,814 | 100. | foxit0 [15] | 161,809 |
The risky adventure paid off! |