Log -> https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4915527
07-11-12 10:50: Received 28000 Gold from Resistance : Hello BigCousin,i lend u money have fun :D giv me back when u collect enough money :P
07-01-12 16:31: Transferred 1800 Gold to DeathEvilz, Commission charged: 18 : Hey Cousin nex month i will come visit you again :3
06-30-12 16:22: Transferred 12400 Gold to DeathEvilz, Commission charged: 124 : Hey Cousin stay at your house a week was awesome :P
06-23-12 17:26: Transferred 16000 Gold to DeathEvilz, Commission charged: 160 : Hey cousin,nex week i will come over ur house stay :D
06-15-12 15:18: Transferred 4900 Gold to DeathEvilz, Commission charged: 49 : Hey cousin u intro me play this game quite fun giv u some present suprise haha! :P
I doubt they are cousins, but if they are still a violation.
DeathEvilz - > https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4699623
"Sometimes my ip will same as other because normaly at cyber play it or cousin house!"
1.13. Financial assist is forbidden in all aspects of the game. Financial assist is a dedicated assistance of one character to another in any way meant to increase the possessions of the latter.
3.8. The fact of logging multiple characters in the game from one computer must be by all means shown in the "character information" of all those characters with explanation of reason (relatives, friends, playing from a computer club etc).
3.14.1. Transfers made without comments are considered presents and fall under the rule 3.15. Commenting on all loan transfers is compulsory; returning owed property also requires a proper comment. If you intend a transfer to be returned, you must make a 1 gold transfer with proper comment to accompany your transfer, if necessary.
3.15.1. Transfers for the reason of leaving the game etc. are forbidden. Empire is the only character for liquidation transfers. (last transfer) |