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AuthorOfficial clans: New recruitment, New regulations
This thread is recommended for firsthand view by all members of official clans (except LWM - Keepers. Violation in Tavern and Battles) and by all leaders of Military clans.

On November, 20, all members of military clans will be evicted* from official clans.
After that, the following rules for Official clans will be published on clan pages:

- This clan may have no more than one representative of any one Military clan at any moment. Arctic is an exception to this rule, his presence in every official clan is required, and his membership in Military clan is neglected.
- Members of Military clans may not send their applications/resume's for an official clan position during any recruitment period. Instead, the Military clan leader sends a recommendation for any one member he or she considers appropriate for this position. Such candidate must be discussed within the clan.
- The Staff department character then analyzes the applications and reserves the right to reject them. If a recommendation for a Military clan member is rejected, the leader of that clan may recommend a different member in the same manner, until the end of recruitment period.

I hereby declare a new recruitment into clans #10, #11 and #266. Applications by non-MC players and recommendations by MC leaders should be sent [email protected]
Recruitment period is November 13~November 20.
Application/recommendation form may be found here:

* Evicted members will receive salaries for the time they will have actively performed their duty.
I understand the others clans just wonder why this new rule affects clan 266 since they dont have no real power in hand
small scope for MC-members(only 1),big scope for any non-MC player:(
They have the same power in Queries and Help that members of #10 have in other forum branches.

A few comments on the recruitment process:
-MC leaders may send only one recommendation for each post at a time.
-They may recommend different members of their MCs into different official clans.

Example of a correct Recommendation:
"I am the leader of MC ABC.
I would like to recommend player X, who is a member of my MC, for a position in Clan #10. Here is an application form filled by him/her.
[lots of text]

I would also like to recommend player Y, who is as well a member of my MC, for a position in the Sage clan. Here is his/her application.
[even more text]
Thank you for consideration, looking forward to hearing your decision."
small scope for MC-members(only 1),big scope for any non-MC player:(
Correct. In my opinion, players should choose whether to massively concentrate on the gameplay, or to spend more time on their official duties.
They have the same power in Queries and Help that members of #10 have in other forum branches.

I am aware of that but that section is meant to be help to new player from experienced players and most experienced players are in MCs.
And all MCs are mopre than welcome to send an application for one of their members.

One more thing to clarify:
If, after November 20, a member of an official clan becomes a member of a Military clan that already has an official listed, one of the two officials will be evicted. This decision is taken by Staff department character.
What if I wanted to join it...and b a member of official clan.
small scope for MC-members(only 1),big scope for any non-MC player:(

no it actualy prefers MCs like this
What if i send an application and i am still member of a military clan? Can i wait until i get a positive or negative response before i leave the clan?
- Members of Military clans may not send their applications/resume's for an official clan position during any recruitment period. Instead, the Military clan leader sends a recommendation for any one member he or she considers appropriate for this position. Such candidate must be discussed within the clan.

If you are a member of a military clan you *cannot* apply, only be recommended.

If you want to apply, you would have to leave the military clan first.

I am super-glad I have managed to avoid these "power struggles" for a year since I have been asked to do this, not applied for it.

Since I have been declared useless and not doing anything, due to my "military clan activities", which are.. It has been a nice experience, but competing for a position with 150 people is something that tears up bonds and friendships.

I am sure it will be fun like any other social experiment. :-)
What if i send an application and i am still member of a military clan? Can i wait until i get a positive or negative response before i leave the clan?

Correction: *It is fun already.* Lets enjoy the heated arguments, struggles and defamations. Sadly we cannot observe them publicly, because most of it will be private mail or skype stuff. :-)
for Omega22:

Best solution to be in no MC like me =) I have sent my resume so lets see what happens ;)
14 dont think he has much fear for position as EW didnt have no representative in clans 10 and 11 till now :)
Five days left in this recruitment period.

I would like to remind the leaders of Military clans, that I will nor consider recommendations after Nov, 20th. Also take note that I will not necessarily appoint the ones you recommend. Therefore, in order to have enough time to prepare a substitution for a possible declined candidate, you are advised to send recommendations earlier.
Arctic, please, stop calling player as low level players. It's not the players fault they have joined lately this game and they have low combat level characters. ;)
What do you mean? More importantly, why do you post this in this thread?
To post # 18

I think he is referring to the "application form".

You provided a link above - https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1832325.

Ah, well, I'm glad thaty ou understand it that way, CGS, because so do I :) With that term I mean the players who joined recently and are still not so well aware of the rules; not expophobes who just like to keep their combat level for a long time.
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