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AuthorLevel 14 - Buy additional troops using experience
If the 14th level is really the last one, why limit its troops for ever? At level 14 there should be a way to buy additional troops, but not using money....



yes, at lvl 14 exp become useless, so why don't use it to buy troops? ( the spent exp should not exceed over the lvl 14 exp level or the player would lose a level!)

with this way the players could play until gain armies large as the mercenary quests' armies
without limit!

think about it

at lvl 14 you can use exp to buy troops, isn't it nice?

to all (4) lvl 14, what do you say? ;)
This idea is good.

However, I give an example, the top player and the 2nd player are level 14. If their exp has a big difference like the top player has 1000000 more exp than 2nd top player, then the troops will become a big different too. When playing duels, different amount of troops will make the match become unfair too.
but what if, you can buy troops (like skelets) but any others using exp. but when you take them in to combat if they die then they die. Also you can take in to combat acording to your extra experience in lvl 14. I think it will keep a bit more fair.
any way i would be happy to have like syperdestroyer suggested and have option to gather huge army ;)
well, when they duel the stronger player should reduce his troops, expample:

he bought 10 additional shrews and 5 additional liz, he removes them

to make order in every faction there could be troops pack to buy, every faction spend the same amount of exp but receive different amount of troops


for 50k of exp : DE get 10 shrews, knights get 20 cross, Wizard get 25 gargs...

I don't know the correct difference to make balance, that's an exemple
I forgot: like lvl up troops, the bought troops would be permanent ( or it would be sad...)
I like the idea ... but i think the troops should be considered as "reserve" ... just the same as skeletons for necro

There is such thing as a level 15. In the future ;)
bad idea
bad idea

good point, +100 for TI
edit: for _TI
i don't like the idea.
better to wait for a level15.

for 50k of exp : DE get 10 shrews, knights get 20 cross, Wizard get 25 gargs...

and this is too cheap.
for only 1.000.000 XP (something like 50 battles at these levels), DE would have 200 more shrews, knights 400 more crossbow, wizards 500 more gargoyles...
difference between two level 14 players would be superior than difference between a level 1 player and a level 13 player.

if you want more creatures with XP (i don't like the idea, but i can try to balance it a little bit), their price must be a lot higher.
for exemple for DE:
150k xp for +1 poisoner
700k xp for +1 shrew
1500k xp for +1 lizard
and every time you buy one unit, the price grows up.
(150k xp the first poisoner, 300k the second one, 450k the third one...)
I don't know if there will be a lvl 15, that's why i posted this,
even on the .ru there's no trace of lvl 15 :(

x karsot
maybe mines are cheap but your prices are too big 8|

I hope too for lvl 15 but if it won't exist better this than nothing, right?
@ Karsot:
These units would be permanent then, right?

I prefer the units to be handled like skels and with a reserve (maximum 7 T1, 6 T2, 5 T3 ... units more) as a maximum. When they can die people look more carefully after them aswell.

Maybe o could have a look at .ru, there the 1st player has 47000000 exp left :P
That would make 2 dragons, masses of shrews, or 1000 poisoners more for him, or so :P

So there should be a maximum of units for not having people running around with 100 shrews permanently :P
that's why my prices are very high ;)
did you have ever played HoMM ?
in that game you can handle armies of thousands of troops

i don't think that would be bad, it would increase longevity by a lot


this "special" player is an example of what you feel with thousands of troops ;)
bad idea

did you have ever played HoMM ?
in that game you can handle armies of thousands of troops

you can express your idea to admin but i m VERY SURE that admin will reply you with this: 'yup, but here is LoWM not HoMM.'


this "special" player is an example of what you feel with thousands of troops ;)

no doubt, you are not-smart. it is an admin id. admin use it to do all testing. show me a player with such troops, else you are just talking nonsense.
I know it's the admin id... -_- ( why did i wrote "special" player with "" ??? maybe you aren't smart)
and I know too that he was testing...
don't offend, please

I posted the link because he has the only existing fight with more than 1000 troops controlled by Human player and I think that we should be able toreach those levels

this isn't HoMM, but the game is 80% similiar and there is lack of longevity (without looping features)
1000?! FAR too much!
imagine a dark elf with 100 shrews and full enchanted arts,he can be unstoppable or a wizard with 50 genies or 50 lore keepers

bad idea -1
genies and lorekeepers are very expensive, actually we are talking about 2 genies more or 4 lorekeeps more than normal with very high costs ^^
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