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AuthorNew Faction Idea: Theorian
Well, I didn't know you had the inventive blood in you :) Did a real good job on this, and made it relatively balanced. The Mind Eater however, needs a bit of change With 11 initiative, it's turn would come before most rangers in opposing armies (its faster than all archers except for poisoners, and has the same initiative as orcs.) This means that at level 15, 3 Mind Eaters could deal 600 damage. That would kill all 3 Angels, devils, and other tier 7 units in opposing stacks in one hit. Perhaps, the Mind Eater would have to "charge up" the attack, requiring him to wait a turn before using the attack. This would still make the skill useful, without having it obliterate everything on the first attack.

After you make all the changes you feel necessary, and post the upgrades to the units, try to organize it all so it's not spread out all over this thread, then post it all in a new one (with a name like Theorian Faction v2.)Good job again. :)

P.S. Just thought you should know, every faction has 3 large creatures and 4 normal sized creatures. It's useful information if you want to make a faction admins may take into consideration.

Well, I happen to have plenty of creativeness, but all the best ideas for factions are taken, so you have to really think outside the box ;)

I agree with your idea, I think that the initative is a bit too high. I will probably put it down to 8 when I update this stuff. But I think I will keep it as an instant reaction like normal, but that was a good consideration, I wouldn't have thought about that.

Tweaking the basic units a bit, the Upgrades and Altgrades will be here later, as well as maybe a Unique Talent and maybe some other basic stuff. (castle image, maybe the buildings, etc.)

Rending, how do you think the unique Ability looks, as of post #20? I would love to have your opinion on it, it is definately my biggest obstacle.
The starting spell of theorians is magic punch, but there spells are chaos and darkness. Are you sure that they should start with magic punch that is nature magic?
Yoshyegg has a good point, magic punch is a nature spell, so a chaos and darkness mage couldn't have that spell. Perhaps earthen spikes instead?

For the faction special ability, I think the person who's casting dispersion should have their spell power taken into account. Perhaps a +2-3% chance to disperse per spell power?

Also, the number of creatures in the stack and faction level should be taken into account. The affect of the special ability should be decreased by .05 * number of units in stack * tier level. For example, 50 goblins would look like this.. (.05 * 50 *1) That would add up to a 2.5% resistance to the effect, and perhaps the duration of the effect would be lowered by (.25 * number of creaures * tier level.) So the 50 goblins would have a 12.5% decrease in the time that the speciall attack effects them.

This would help to prevent overly crippling a really powerful foe and making the fight lopsided. For example, If I had a class level of 5 in theorian, and cast the special ability on your 86 hobs, they would have 19% less attack,26% less defense, and would take 24 damage a turn (killing 6 hobs every turn) and would last 12 rounds. If I avoided your hobs for 12 turns, 72 of your hobs would die before I even had to attack them.

Good luck with the rest of the faction.
About the starting spell, I was actually thinking of changing it to Curse or Delay, to emphasize their specialization in hindering magics by affecting the brain.

About the special ability, I agree with what you said, Rendingblade, and I find it a very hard thing to balance, but I plan on adding in your suggestion.

I am currently working out an updated formula for it, I will post it when it is finished.
Special Ability: Mind Rend (Updated)

For this demonstration, I will be using an imaginary hero named Son to illustrate the 3 parts to this very unique ability. Son has a Combat Level of 10 and a Faction Level of 7, with 12 Knowledge and 6 Spell Power. He is using Mind Rend ability on the stack of 100 Recruits of a Knight hero named Joe, who has Advanced Holy Magic talent and 5 Spell Power.

Part 1: Basics

Costs 4 + 1.5*(Combat Level) Mana [Rounded Down]

Curse, lowers attack: 8% + 3%*(Faction Level)
Decay, lowers defense: 12% + 5%*(Faction Level)
Agony, damage over time: (Knowledge*[Faction Level])/2
Mind Rend ability lasts for 5 turns + (Combat Level)

So, Son could use his Mind Rend ability at the cost of 19 Mana, giving -29% Attack, -47% Defense, and 42 damage per round for 15 rounds.

But wait…….

Part 2: Resistance

All units have a resistance to Mind Rend based on their power, and Mechanical units are completely immune. The formula is:

Resistance = (# of units in a stack/4 [Rounded Down]) + (Tier of units)*7 %
*note – Upgraded creatures count as 1 tier higher.

So, when Son used Mind Rend on a stack of 100 recruits, he would now be doing -17% Attack, -28% Defense, and 25 damage per round for 9 rounds.

But there’s still more……

Part 3: Removal

Any hero with the Mind Rend ability on one of their stacks of creatures may attempt to remove it using the Dispersion spell. Here is the formula…

% of chance to Disperse = 25*(Level of Mastery) + 3*(Spell Power of Dispersing Hero) – 2*(Faction Level of Theorian hero)

So, Joe has a 51% chance to Disperse the Mind Rend effect from his stack of 100 Recruits.


The numbers on this will most likely change, this is just the basic format so that others can say whether they think it is overpowered or underpowed.
@26 this is judt perfect
very good
well, here are the Tier 1-5 upgrades. Enjoy. :D

Red Ooze
A much more aggressive type of ooze, they have an unsatisfiable appetite, and are able to devour and destroy even metal.

Hit Points: 6
Attack: 2
Defense: 1
Damage: 1-2
Speed: 4
Initiative: 7
Shots: N/A
Mana: N/A

Abilities: Aberration. Devouring Attack.


Elder Mind
The brain of a mortal who led a long life, and achieved many great mental milestones, thus leaving behind a very developed mind. Elder Minds have the ability to attack the minds of enemies from afar.

Hit Points: 10
Attack: 7
Defense: 3
Damage: 3-5
Speed: 3
Initiative: 7
Shots: 20
Mana: N/A

Abilities: Aberration. Shooter. Mind Barrage.


Gibbering Orb
Powerful Theorians can harness a Gibbering Crawler into a floating orb, greatly increasing its mobility.

Hit Points: 26
Attack: 6
Defense: 2
Damage: 3-3
Speed: 6
Initiative: 8
Shots: N/A
Mana: N/A

Abilities: Aberration. Large Creature. Random Attack. Flyer.


Psionic Skirmisher
Psionic Warriors who wish to further into a more offensive role go into training to become a Skirmisher. They grow a natural love for slaying, and use dual swords, and also use bows for ranged firepower.

Hit Points: 38
Attack: 12
Defense: 5
Damage: 5-8
Speed: 6
Initiative: 11
Shots: 10
Mana: N/A

Abilities: Free Mind. Shooter. No Melee Penalty. Double Strike. Bloodlust.


A Disciple is a Initiate who has passed all the tests and trials, and is now following under a powerful Theorian in order to attain greater knowledge. Disciples employ powerful curses to hinder enemy armies, and can also shoot blasts of energy as self defense.

Hit Points: 47
Attack: 16
Defense: 12
Damage: 14-17
Speed: 4
Initiative: 10
Shots: 6
Mana: 35

Abilities: Free Mind. Caster. Shooter. No Ranged Penalty

Spell Book: Delay, Curse, Disruption Ray on Expert level
Confusion, Poison, Weakness, Lightning on Advanced level
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