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Authortalents ? battle fury or advanced offence
i wanted to ask if advanced offence is more good or basic offence and battle fury ?
basic + furry is better
for superbest1:
Please ask this in the appropriate forum next time? The "Queries and Help thread?
Battle fury effectiveness depends on the damage each specific troop does ( stated on it's stats entry ). Also battle fury applies to the damage done by the stack at the same time attack and defense do - which means that all other +% damage modifiers you got are multiplied with battle fury bonus also.

A quick example to make this more clear:

"If "Attack" (A) of the attacking stack is bigger than "Defence" (D) of the defending stack, then
Damage = N * RND(min, max) * [1 + 0,05 (A-D) ] * [1 - 3*Y/100]"

Calculations are done using this formula - i will use specific numbers to make it simple to understand but the results are easy to generalize. Let's assume that A > D ( so we can use this equation - similar things can be done with the equivalent if A<D ) and since neither offense nor battle fury directly affect A or D - the amount [1 + 0,05 (A-D) ] is constantly the same in both cases. Same for [1 - 3*Y/100] since it depends on faction level reduction and N also is constant. So the damage done in our case is:

Damage = [ Some Constant ] * RND(min, max) or

Damage = C * RND(min, max) [ where C is the constant factor for simplicity ]

Let's take the average case that every creature on the stack does its average damage ( which is [ ( min + max ) / 2 ] ). If you have battle fury, that damage becomes [ ( min + 1 + max + 1 ) / 2 ] = 1 + [ ( min + max ) / 2 ] so the average damage increases by one.

Now time to become more specific:
Let's take demons for example. They got 1-2 base damage so average is 1.5; with battle fury the average damage would be 2.5 . You also got basic offense so damage is increased by 10%. In total the damage you do will be:

D1 = ( C * 2.5 ) * 1.1 = 2,75 * C

Same creature but now you got advanced offense and no battle fury. average damage is 1.5 and you do 20% more damage. The total damage now will be

D2 = ( C * 1.5 ) * 1.2 = 1,8 * C

As you can see for demons damage gain from battle fury is extremely bigger than advanced offense.

You can do similar calculations for other creatures also - in general you will find that lower tier creatures get huge bonus from battle fury ( especially if their base damage is very low ) while higher tier units ( like for example Devils ) get bigger bonus from advanced offense.

At this point everyone's armies is more or less dependent on lower tier creatures so you can safely assume that until level 12-14 or so battle fury is in general better than advanced offense in almost all cases.
closed by superbest1 (2009-06-15 10:54:59)
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