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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse

How much luck and morale can one get?
Almost every turn either luck or morale -.-"
Max that matters is 5.
for Meshy:

Heya! That was a rhetorical question actually :P
2016-06-11 07:28: Castle modified. Construction added: Charmed forest.
2016-06-11 07:26: Castle modified. Construction added: Stonehenge.
2016-06-11 07:26: Faction changed: Dark elf to Elf.

for Expert_BOT:
what is your main faction btw?
for Wonderla:

Elf :D
Any GOT fans here?
I like game of thrones
Any GOT fans here?


wtf? XD
Show of hands:

Elf :D

Urgh... it would be.
Eff this game =.=
Really tired of people with 1 and 2 morale/luck trigger it every single turn
Really tired of people with 1 and 2 morale/luck trigger it every single turn

Try playing as a necro and not getting any morale and watching it trigger for other people..
watching it trigger for other people..

"Great! Here I am waiting for my first turn to appear and this guy already got his 2nd turn before me on ATB. JUST GREAT! Why did I ever choose to become a necro T_T"

Something like this? =)
Try playing as a necro and not getting any morale and watching it trigger for other people..

I do play as necro :P

but seriously it's so frustrating that 3 morale does not give me any morale boosts sometimes...ugh
iktfb :(
It's really bad when doing defences as necro when your team mates are DE... match is basically over by the 2nd hero move.
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