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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
another flyer
sorry i don't need you go away
having a hard time registering the battles :(
commented on the daily like 3-4 hours ago. killed 2 flyers even before got clan mail
still having a hard time registering the battles :(
Has everyone received their candy??
Going to sleep guys :)

Still need just 1 goddamn star --"..
i have 7 stars left @multi
Has everyone received their candy??
my multi :D

and i received a mail from santa :P
someone give me a flyer :0
somebody told me that for a candy, u had to appeal to santa's humanity, especially after i rudely asked him for a thief set on first try. So i wrote a touch letter and he replied.
Dont know if he replied to everybody or just a few
new page again
whoa in excitement i forgot :p
still need start and lantern and 3 flyers :(
this locker event is only for 2day?
nope till 27th 23:59 acc to LWM time
whoa those barbarians
very tough to beat
Again got 12 fsp from vault
dont know what to do with the quests. got password but site is down
Gn guys
And yea got 1 flyer and what is the date of this quest ending and time too
2 more posts and I'm done
19140 is mine..
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