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AuthorAll about Knight faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
25 exp till lvl 8 -.-'
well magic worked and I won a wizard caravan (wizard caravan is the caravan to which I lose most of the time)
your fight against the wizard caravan is really nice
At lvl5 with 3 fsp.
Whats the best troop layout?
I have recruits.
Should i use them instead of bowman?
Should i have 52 recruits and 27 swords or, 50 recruits and 28 swords
And whats the best for tournament?
try to recruit max.swords.

Well ur recruiting should vary with type of challenge.

For shooters,it should be recruits and swords
For large creature or zounds of slower ones,max.bowmen is good
i'm lv 7 and i've reached wave 10 recruiting max swords, griffins and recruits and as talent i used basic luck and soldier's luck, anyone know a better combination?
for Gato:

You should pick Basic Offense + Battle Fury (or Rally+Escort as alternative, but doesn't work as good)

Also, maybe you should have 3-4 bowmen instead of 2, to take retal, distract, and block shooters.

You are a genius! You truly are a specialist of Knight faction. I followed your advice and got two very close fights (1 win and 1 loss):


I think that my days of splitting my griffins in duels or GB are over. They are much stronger together in one stack.
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // ]

congra on that, but i read the battle chat. although i dont understand what you all talking about, but i assume he is asking why are you split griffin, right?

i would say, you dont have to explain to them. just let them figure out, they deserve to lose if they dont understand it ;p

yet, the 1st fight doesnt trigger enough burst action, which result your griffin decoy cant really assist on the cavalry :)

but, burst action show its strength on 2nd fight.

pif, someone PM me and ask why the hell my level is so low while lecture other knight on strategy and tactic.

i wonder since when the growth of mind (strategy and tactic) is linear with time (combat level) LOL
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // ]
for Pang:

He was giving me pointers in Spanish on how I shouldn't split my griffins. like that, he argued, I could have more smaller guardian stacks to cover my archers.
He was saying that opponents would be more reluctant to hit a full stack of 2

21 griffins than two smaller stacks whose retal wouldn't be so hard. That was his logic. In a way, he has a point. Even with my usual GB formation of fury and expert defense, one big stack of griffs could be the way to go. On the other hand, without rally I "only" have 85 guards and with barbs splash attack a stack of 2 or 3 guards would die in one or two hits. I still have a lot to learn about this :)
I try to learn from Antos' battles but he is level 14 and some of those tactics don't necessarily translate to lower levels like splitting monks.

With clerics, it makes perfect sense to split them to get more chances to cast rapid and stoneskin. But with regular monks, splitting them is stupid.

lost this caravan for 2 times.

plz do point out my mistakes
My opinion would be that you probably should not bring a holy magic build to caravans as your spell ability will probably take too long to have any effect on the battle......caravan battles are usually won/lost really fast during the first few turns

Try to avoid cluttering your troops together for elves sprites/faeries have spray attack and elite forest keepers have battledance I would personally recommend placing griffins somewhere else as their high movement can allow them to move quickly around the map to attack/block shooters

I would recommend getting battle fury, but the problem is I also lose caravans a lot at lvl 9.......maybe my full art thieving streak was a bit too much at lvl 6 to 7...........that time I was borrowing a TGI
Congratz Javi!! hehe morale burst r sure a pain in the ass :P

btw, start thinkin about another strategy cuz this one IMO is not good against barbs. A clever one (or another one bein not in a rush like I was in the last fight xD) would not go after ur guards, better to just sit up after gettin rid of monks and would kill them with superb hero attack (which, together with an unlucky morale burst, was the key of winnin 1st battle)

As a sick barb obsessed with duelin, all I can say is knights have a lot more chance when fightin barbs goin with xbows instead of guards, barbs just dont have enough firepower to compete with, and u can easily block big string stacks to keep ur xbows shootin. The bad thing is this is not a popular and good for other situations tactic.

Cya on battlefield!
for laugm:
well I appreciate ur suggestion but I am looking for a way of defeating them with the help of holy magic.

And magic IS effective in caravan(that's my own experience)
well any more suggestions?

you should throw away the def talent and get the rally :)

also, try to rapid swordsmen rather than stone skin. simple, your swordsmen will never be the 1st target, stone skin is just a waste in early. you can consider stone skin after rapid your swordsmen. perhaps you should stone your griffin rather swordsmen in 1st turn.

eh, another small mistake, your griffin shouldnt stick so near with monk once those AoE dmg unit come near. your griffin suppose can kill more without die so much.
is it good if i have advanced luck and escort for me ? (level 8)
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