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lol I guess everyone from the .com would like this endless event to finish ASAP =P | | Shortly past clerks completed their work, and the keeper of books have only to write the resulting data in a scroll with the final verdict, the heroes of the Empire. Only now, moving away from the hustle and bustle of working , he realized the importance of this document. Perhaps in his hands now is the fate of thousands of soldiers and the two states. The slightly trembling hand , he put his signature , and then turned fateful scroll , put his personal stamp. All that remained was to deliver the paper to the palace accompanied by the best imperial guard , whom identified the Empress . At this point, he alone knew the result of the survey , but the final decision is not him .
In the throne room in the meantime the Empress has been advised of the conclusion of recounts and something animatedly discussed with Grammitom . For a moment , and the door swung open . In the hall became the keeper of books , carrying in his hands in front of the same book. The attention of the Empress and governors are fully shifted to the messenger arrived . Empress summoned the custodian of books more closely, and then ordered the guard to leave the hall in which there are only three actors, on which depended the fate of the Kingdom and beyond.
- Your Majesty - confident and clear voice, said the curator of books - In this book the collected results of a survey of all responded to the call of the messengers heroes of the Empire. Each view has been taken into account and all the figures the authenticity and reliability , error can not be , I checked everything three times !
The Empress has kindly handed her a roll , and pulling print , jump around in the final recordings made by :
In conclusion, the world - 6734 (48 % ) characters , for the continuation of the war - 6823 (49 % ) characters , indifferent - 364 (3% ) characters . | - What you say about that , G? - she turned to the magistrates , passing the document brought to him .
- I was afraid , your majesty , - mused grams - Opinions were divided almost evenly . On the one hand , many want to continue the war and the glorious victories , on the other hand - the same characters do not have the strength to continue fighting , or believe in the purity of intentions of the enemy ...
Having uttered these words , the governor thought . Almost the first time in many years of military experience, he really did not know what to do . But the Empress was more forthright :
- now that it happened so I reserve the right to determine the fate of the Kingdom , as ruler of the Empire , they have been betrayed once ! Their capital must be taken at any cost! Who does not want to fight - can go and engage in peaceful work , ordered to transfer their fighting machines in the army true soldiers of the Empire, who will fight to the finish ! Just tell them to pull off to the enemy city all available siege weapons, even those that have not yet passed the test ! Push Tolgara , we need all the power of gnomes . You understand me , the governor grams?
No sooner had the governor to open his mouth , as once again heard the voice of the ruler :
- And another thing - their king to be captured and brought here at the palace alive for a fair trial for his crimes before the inhabitants of the empire , their storage must be emptied , hand over all the captured booty to the palace, I will reward them the best warriors , those who truly worthy of awards !
- Will be done, Your Majesty! - Finally he bowed his head and left the throne room .
- Thank you for your excellent and timely work done - called the Empress to the keeper of books - I ask you to go for me. I need to put your signature and the Imperial seal , after which the scroll should be placed in the public library as a historically important document . | In short, we continue war :P
Down with Kingdom!! Muahahahaha! | I've been among the 48% players voting yes on poll. Too bad, the war will continue another several days at least :(. | I wish I had known earlier just to make an account there and vote yes :D | I wish I had known earlier just to make an account there and vote yes :D
Requirements to vote were combat level 5 and atleast 100 score in event -_- . | wow, it seems that the event continue...I mean .com event (Waiting) :D | when is .ru event likely to end? it seems we get less and less players each day been down at a measy 400 last night *sigh* townhall meeting answers will boost numbers considerably and give us hope... | townhall meeting answers will boost numbers considerably and give us hope...
That'd be nice to see... After all, they're just more promises from admins, nothing more... | Despite the equally divided vote in the poll , only a few have left the battlefield, while the rest did not dare to contradict the orders of the Empress , and doubly increased the pressure on the enemy capital . All night never stopped crashing sound of collapsing walls and intersecting swords . Inch by inch the whole army of the Empire progressed closer to the city walls , meeting more and more resistance , but with a great desire to sweep away . The reinforcements in the form of new siege vehicles can be very useful help in this - the tower collapsed twice as fast as the first captains took the fire of enemy riflemen, saving the life of the imperial orders.
The night passed and the sun came a new day - the day that will be forever inscribed in the history of the Empire , as the date is truly a great victory over the ancient enemy . Remains of the Royal Army had taken refuge behind the last line of defense - outside the city gates, but even there they could not be safe from falling on their heads fragments of walls and towers. It was the end. After a few ram hit the gate just collapsed . Clouds of dust rose into the air, and a moment later through them to the city's defenders rushed forward detachments Grammita supported Dwarfs Tolgara . A few minutes of slaughter and the city guard in horror and fled , abandoning their arms and trying to get lost in the streets, or just raising their hands up , relying on the mercy of the Empire - Kingdom of the army surrendered. In the victory , nobody doubts , but still had one last request of the Empress . | Grams with Tolgarom continued to break through to the royal castle . During the last few days , they sang so well that it seemed as if they knew all my life and fought shoulder to shoulder. Another obstacle in their path stood a detachment still loyal to his king custodians of faith, that tried to delay the advance until the closed gates of the castle itself . Tolgar immediately jumped on the bear , ousting one of the riders, and that might have rushed into the crowd, breaking through their ranks and freeing up the corridor for the generals . But the gates were almost closed , as if he did not hurry but wait a ram - there was no time . Suddenly the past Grammita flying fireball , released Abu Bakr , who once again surprised by the unexpected appearance . The door did not resist the powerful explosion and collapse , and the magician who quietly made their way through the ranks of the combatants in custody and gnomes , ran up to the magistrates .
- I am with you. Who knows what's lurking in their lair ... - said the magician , fearing to meet more than just the king.
- Forward! - Grammy cried , bursting through the smoke inside the tubers .
Met on the road a few more guards, they could easily cope with them, when he saw at the end of the hall a few soldiers in red armor, behind which is probably what was the very king Altour , dressed in blue and white robe . His face looked very manly . Of the weapons he had only wonderful scepter , to whom he immediately waved , ordering him to attack strangers, but in time released Chain Lightning won them all, but just a little bit caught king , breaking out of his hand guns .
- Surrender, King Altour - pronounced grams toward him .
- Never ! - he cried , grabbing the sword from the floor of one of the guards and entered the melee with the Governor. fight lasted not long , daring the king does not hold , but that's fighting skill Grammita was much higher, making him easily disarm an opponent and put a blade to his throat .
- The Empire won - the governor said quietly .
- Come on ! Miserable accomplice of evil! - began to provoke him captive King - Give back the scepter and kill me .
The reference artifact made governor dropped by to look at the scepter , and when he reached for the object, as it stopped the excited voice of Abu Bakr
- Stop! - running up closer and takes off his magic cloak - This thing can be dangerous - he continued, bending and wrapping the arms of his mantle . Then he quietly raised his scepter and froze, as if to something listening . At that moment there was complete silence , interrupted by the voice of magistrates :
- Something wrong ?
- Strange - thoughtfully and murmured in surprise magician - I do not feel its power, none at all.
After these words there was a loud laugh Altour , which attracted the attention of all present .
- Fools ... Did you really think that the very evil , madness povergnuvshee in our people lies in this thing ? This is only a symbol of power , your scribes like you - the true evil ! There was no madness, no curse ... We have always been and remain on the side of the world , as distinguished from your sinful empire , mired in evil and wickedness! My ancient ancestors were unable to eradicate ... | - Enough of words ! - interrupted the governor, Altour grabbed the hand and led him to one of the balconies overlooking the streets of the city, which had all been at the mercy of the Imperial troops. A moment later from the same balcony the sound of the imperial kiln , which attracted the attention of all the soldiers below.
- Heroes of the Empire ! - loudly asked the governor to all, - Today is the day of victory ! The enemy surrendered and defeated, their king in our hands ! This is truly a great victory! Our common victory - a victory throughout the empire ! And all will be worthy of a well-deserved reward for services to the Empire! Glory to the Empire ! - Finished one and then the last sentence in almost one voice was heard everywhere. Grammitu have only brought the captives to the capital of the empire, and he was not going to linger , incidentally giving the order to understand with all units that provide resistance, as well as to deliver all the captured booty to the palace :
(Pictures of captured arts-copy pasted in separate post)
As a result of this heavy military campaign finally ended with a great victory over the ancient enemy of the Empire , so only those who actually have been wrong in the old conflict, it remained a mystery to many . King Altour IV Lightbringer was taken into custody and imprisoned in the dungeon tower of ghosts , waiting for a meeting with the Empress. Army of the Kingdom was divided and at the last moment just gave up. Some of the surviving soldiers fled themselves . And the most desperate units are still trying to resist. Heroes can take part in their search before midnight , thus won back the balance of the fighting. Quiet last week in the areas of the Empire contributed to a fairly rapid recovery of the economy. For the rest, a lot of work to restore areas of the Kingdom , of destroyed mines and enterprises. And as a final decision on the new allies of the Empire - Dwarves .
But most importantly, that all the heroes of the Empire, finally able to relax and breathe quietly in anticipation of reward, because no one will be forgotten, and will reward everyone who showed himself a little on the battlefield ! With the victory of all! It was not easy, but you did it , and the Empire grateful to you for this ! | In short, war continues till 0.00 server time :D | then what?
They make another poll?
Or what excuse will admins use this time to delay our townhall? | Admins will be sleeping at 0:00 server time :D | many new artifacts | without description... | by the heavens! 34 new arts! incredible how much time and energy our admins invest...
*sigh* |
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