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AuthorAll about Knight faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
So...it seems rally is not that useful for a new knight right?

Any suggestions for what talent to select as a 0 Faction skill knight? :)
So...it seems rally is not that useful for a new knight right?

Any suggestions for what talent to select as a 0 Faction skill knight? :)

Your level 10 with 35 talent points so there are 4 ways to go:

3 attack talents and one defense/leadership/holy talent (need 34 talent points)
4 defense talents (need 32 talent points)
5 leadership/holy talents (need 35 talent points)
same as above but with escort replacing one talent
Sorry for double post but you can check talent builds of tournament winners or top hunters
thx for answering :)
I'll need to try some combinations then :P
#1823, watch the replays, and ctrl-click the hero twice to see the talents
A question just popped into my head:
6.Should i buy magic guild?
If you wanna save your money , then don't buy it.

If you wanna be 90% Might and 10% Magic , you should buy it with only 1 knowledge.

it is all about whether you want magic aid you in fight or not :)

it would be pointless to ask us. might knight will just tell you: we dont need magic guild; while magic knight will tell you: we need magic guild.
when i do advenced holy magic in talents. why dont i have it in my magic book ?

if you are mention on extra spells, that's nothing to do with talent. it is all about your magic guild.

talent allow you to access spells and improve the spell effect according talent mastery;

Spell Power increase the duration and dmg of spells;

Knowledge provide mana for you to cast more spells;

magic guild PROVIDE the spells you can get.
why do i have basic holly magicat talents ???

for nothing?
Basic holy increase efficiency of holy spell.
You can see in your spell book in combat screen.
ok , thx
i want to use a might and magic knight ,maybe holy or evil :)

can sb show a fallen dark knight? spell +5 is good

holy talent mastery is not just increase spell efficiency. it also allow you to access the higher level holy spells. without talent mastery, you can only access to Lv2 spells.

so, in order to cast level 3/4/5 spells, you MUST get magic guild level 3/4/5 AND at least with basic/advance/expert talent mastery.
I just reached level 8, and got my Crossbows.
Well, as everyone else, i use Bless on my Crossbows. But should i get 2 spellpower and 2 knowledge, or 0 spell power 1 knowledge like i have now?

The first option (2sp + 2 know) allows me to Bless and/or rapid my crossbows for 10 turns, but with reduced damage; less attack.
The second option (0sp + 1 know) allows me to Bless my crossbows ONLY for 2 turns, but with increased damage; more attack.

What should i choose?
With 0 Spellpower your Spell lasts 0.5 rounds, afaik. And with 2 Spellpower it will last 2 rounds, if i am not wrong...
2 sp = 2 turns for bless
u will have to take holy magic talent or use arts to boost your sp just to better the effect of bless
u will have to take holy magic talent or use arts to boost your sp just to better the effect of bless

eh, do you think your statement is wrong?

talent allow you to access spells and improve the spell effect according talent mastery;

Spell Power increase the duration and dmg of spells;

they are having different functions :\
With 0 Spellpower your Spell lasts 0.5 rounds, afaik. And with 2 Spellpower it will last 2 rounds, if i am not wrong...

2 sp = 2 turns for bless
u will have to take holy magic talent or use arts to boost your sp just to better the effect of bless

Yes.. but with 2 knowledge i could cast the spell 5 times. And with 1 knowledge only 2 times.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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