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Anyone find cyclop today for cl 13?

They cheap, durable, useful for taking agro from enemy shooter
Look at russian forum. If you dont have and if you can put few guardians next to them so they will get 25% ranged resistances.
Treefolk 1 for 7. That's cheap. Get the ironroots and you'll be set. I thought. Ironroot Treegfolk, 1 for 22. I guess that was a waste of time. The Lava dragons are about the same price.
Can anyone suggest good builds?

Already lost 10 battles lol :(

well, i spent 2 days getting the mega ghosts, just to find out they are WAAYY expensive, and you recruit them one at time..

Just use tier 6/7, 2shooters shielded by guardian or skel legionaries.
next time, if they make another pokemon event, i swear i will never participate on this stupid event lol
Giants are good early level, Upgr. Tribal cyclops are also good with the shooter/multiple hit.
for TeddyT:
Y, I wonder what is tribal cyclops great upgrade, I miss only 1 stone to have it, if it is as cheap as unfettered cyclops, would be awesome. I will see tomorrow
Already lost 10 battles lol :(

how in the earth? portal battle is easy prezzy.

I am going with win = increase 1 level, lose = decrease 1 level. then I manage only lost 1 out of 30 battle.
for Nowar:
it isn't as good as the initial cyclops. More expensive but still worth it. I want to get the final upgrade!
for TeddyT:
What do u mean? Unfettered ste even cheaper than non-upgraded, probably dome mistake by&#357; truth ;)
portal battle is easy prezzy

until level 25

above that, the dificulty curve become out of control :(
Lvl28 now dont make big problems.
My build consists of around 15 genies, 6 giants, 6 tribal cyclops and 6 devils. Not too expensive and quite cheap as all not the upgraded versions for now. Though I'm playing super safe and playing only low levels atm (lvl 11 atm) but they're a breeze so this build probably works for higher lvls too maybe.
All the guys who are winning battles please share your winning builds :)
I made a build of dark elves' dragons + some witches for delay.
It's probably not the best one possible, but I'm hanging in there. I lost only 3 battles, but I play relatively safe. I got to lvl 16 so far, but still got most of todays battles.

Currently got 1,140 CoT.

2 twilight dragons
2 black dragons
2 red dragons
3 great twilight dragons
2 dark witches (gonna get more soon)

I wonder about tribal cyclopses build.
Great tribal cyclopses + unfettered + tribal beholders + tribal cyclopses + sky shamans for haste/delay.
And as a possible appetizer for cyclopses the tribal goblins.

I need to see if this would work, but I miss the great upgrade yet.
I'm on level 23 with:
6 Angels
6 Dreadbanes
8 Ladons
4 Archangels
8 Ghosts (mainly for retal and blocking shooters)
Level 25.
Units I use are :-
4 Magma Dragons
4 Great Magma Dragons
8 Lava Dragons
10 Priests (Mainly for Evasion and bait for shooters until dragons reach enemy territory)

Played 48
Won 40
Lost 8

Total crystals 1490
Sorry for double post, whoever wants to use the build I am using please be careful with placement of dragons because enemy uses dragon breath to make your units hit your other units(Happened to me in every battle because I was careless).
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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