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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
almost filled up two pages by myself , I think I might even beat ninranjan's score 103 I believe
Nah , someone will just come and ruin it ! I hope no one does that , ESPECIALLY ninranjan !
seriously guys pm people for information you want to inform peeps with ...Really , when im bored of my self ill say and stop ! :D
I feel ashamed , my family raped me
ok , in my head that was ... ok it was as Messed up as it is here ....
1 min. between each post !
ok 1 minute and 5 seconds earlier , I don't care , all of them Work !
Ok this time , 22:09:20, lets do it , Wooh , wooh ,ahh
4 seconds ?! really ?! stupid timer ! it isn't accurate ! I love flooding ! it feels so good ! to train my fingers !
ok im done , im going to flood, but I aint breaking a record or nothing , too bored
Ba bam , timer did it again !
spam !
im that bored !
stupid ghost town !
Ghost punches me in the face , and then in the genitals , and then kicks me on the shins *
Ouch , stupid ghost, that hurts like *^%$ !
le me is hasing fun wiz zis
I luv toking lyk zis . it izz annuing bot ai luv it ,..... sum pirson iz luking at zis ryt now , nd iz saing wut is zis kid saing ... luel
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2013-10-16 05:14:13 // FR#2.5//The official game language for Forum communication is English.(warning)
Im so hungry , burger king has on offer .... 3 burgers , and 1 sundae ! :D
when my sister gets back from her party :D im going to FEED her with me !
:) :) :) :)
smiling changes the world !
really because imagine the earth looking like this
: )
im watching this awesome movie called : Paid in return .....
Wow , I am Soo getting banned ... I hope not, but it might happen , for I do not know the new forum rules ...Who cares though , flooding is the best !
Im forgetting my hunger !
dang it, just remembered it again ! Silly me !
whats with people an parties , parties are so loud , and annoying , imagine people touching you and Stuff .... and you cant hear anything ...
lele lolo lili lulu
singing , is bad , because I have, a bad voice , I want to punch some one , which is highly unlikely because I have tiny jazz hands ...
I punched my self , it doesn't feel so good .... it hurts ...
I need food , and I need food now !
45 posts so far ... 46 with this one :)
Blekh , * cough cough , im getting tired ... I might as well end it now ..
im over with my streak , too boring
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