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AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
for coolahed:
u can never feel..
from 1 million 1 lost till 0 gold...
and who do not want to win even till 100k if someone lost 1 million...

take ur example...
I lost 2 millions so far...
I lost 2 millions so far...
huh...but u are not poor..
u lost 2 million and u were 3 million +

i lost 1 million and i was 1 million

this matters and makes the difference
no worry...me leaving game maybe..not sure..
darn u akshat !!! y wantin more when u have a lot !??! huh !?!? u got 1 million !!! u should hav stopped !! i told u !!
darn u akshat !!! y wantin more when u have a lot !??! huh !?!? u got 1 million !!! u should hav stopped !! i told u !!
i know..but now
everything is over..
huh...but u are not poor..

u have resources... sell them instead of going begging people and blocking them when they refuse to give loans to someone who is losing currently...

we have the right to say no...
i just do not wanna fight anymore..

just leave me alone...thank you!
u lost 2 million and u were 3 million +

Again.. being jelous... you always say you are not... but you cannot hide it... your words reflect the contrary;)

not replying any more on this matter... u are the one who hurt me and the wrong one...
Again.. being jelous... you always say you are not... but you cannot hide it... your words reflect the contrary;)
i am not jealous.. i am showing you that u are more in profit than me coz u said u lost 2 million....


not replying any more on this matter... u are the one who hurt me and the wrong one...
oh really? THANK YOU
darn it!!! u r nt leavin !! i will kic ur ass !!! u hav to stay !!!!!!

sell ur ressources !!! u dnt need tat much of ressources !!!
i can;t
i just can't sell them...
and y cant u !??!?!?!?
will tell u reason later
darn it!!! u r nt leavin !! i will kic ur ass !!! u hav to stay !!!!!!

No need to be so snappy:P he is not leaving just see the riddle in his words:O
i can;t
i just can't sell them...

An abvious reason why he doesn't wanna sell them because he doesn't wanna leave now when losing more on Roulette... he is just sad because he missed some spins...

come on my bro... WIN ALL!!

gd cool !!! gooooooodooo
damn....how cooly know my secret :O

who told him :O

can I send you PM now?

im hurt yet :(((
I'm still punished:(:(

damn it !!
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