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AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
3 hours and 9 mins to the party!!!

owh :(
i can feel tha nasty atmosphere of the party already!!!
hey lik when the party will finish?
dunno...maybe it'll never end!!!

beacause I can make it on monday morning so plz keep it goin:(
can the party start before i have to go to sleep
well have a great night everyoone, especially to those who are legendary flooders :P

have a good one guys, happy birthday to lik =D
dunno...maybe it'll never end!!!

Another flood thread? :l
lol Hewrin!!

im studying^^
i have finished 9 mercenary quests 3rd level
hunter2 is the first merc in 3rd level
i will over run him if possible today
have a good one guys, happy birthday to lik =D well have a great night everyoone, especially to those who are legendary flooders :P
hi all...back after a nice football match !
what happened to qio ?
hAvE a gOoD oNe gUyS, hApPy bIrThDaY tO lIk =D wElL hAvE a gReAt nIgHt eVeRyOoNe, eSpEcIaLlY tO tHoSe wHo aRe lEgEnDaRy fLoOdErS :P
You receive 66 gold, Windflower

at last! and..6 GIANTS?!
oh well..guess that will be easy
try yourself !
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