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where r flooders
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[>] [q] 1641 2008-12-26 05:23:28

where r flooders

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Author: Sir31416
only 367 more posts!
post 1573
Why don't we start a chain game? make a loooong sentence by everyone adding one word to it. Of course try to keep it making sense. Like one person says "Hydra" then seconds says "Hydra likes" and the third one adds "Hydra likes newbs." Let's go. I'll be very original :)

post 1574 hydra
post 1576 the hydra is...*
post 1579 THE hydra is great...
post 1582 THE hydra is great and...
post 1616 THE hydra is great and talkative...
post 1618 THE hydra is great and talkative monster...
post 1619 The hydra is great and talkative monster that...
post 1620 The hydra is great and talkative monster that have...
post 1621 The hydra is great and talkative monster that have no...

The hydra is great and talkative monster that have no need to eat, because hydra use it's mouth to flood, no time to eat, hydra also no need sleep, because he use his brain to much to think, how to flood next and......

shall we continue? :-)
The hydra is great and talkative monster that have no need to eat, because hydra use it's mouth to flood, no time to eat, hydra also no need sleep, because he use his brain to much to think, how to flood next and lay......
The hydra is great and talkative monster that have no need to eat, because hydra use it's mouth to flood, no time to eat, hydra also no need sleep, because he use his brain to much to think, how to flood next and lay......down
The hydra is great and talkative monster that have no need to eat, because hydra use it's mouth to flood, no time to eat, hydra also no need sleep, because he use his brain to much to think, how to flood next and lay down to ......

The hydra is great and talkative monster that have no need to eat, because hydra use it's mouth to flood, no time to eat, hydra also no need sleep, because he use his brain to much to think, how to flood next and lay down to
for veteran:
hi :-)
The hydra is great and talkative monster that have no need to eat, because hydra use it's mouth to flood, no time to eat, hydra also no need sleep, because he use his brain to much to think, how to flood next and lay down to see for...
The hydra is great and talkative monster that have no need to eat, because hydra use it's mouth to flood, no time to eat, hydra also no need sleep, because he use his brain to much to think, how to flood next and lay down to see for hydra...
The hydra is great and talkative monster that have no need to eat, because hydra use it's mouth to flood, no time to eat, hydra also no need sleep, because he use his brain to much to think, how to flood next and lay down to see for more...

The hydra is great and talkative monster that have no need to eat, because hydra use it's mouth to flood, no time to eat, hydra also no need sleep, because he use his brain to much to think, how to flood next and lay down to see for more water
i need gold!i am poor:(
begging in an off game forum thread?u must be desperate
spamming is fun:)blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah
for Artamis:
i need gold!i am poor:(

12-26-08 08:25: Received 1 Gold from spartan300 : ho, ho, ho, Merry Christmas :-)
The hydra is great and talkative monster that have no need to eat, because hydra use it's mouth to flood, no time to eat, hydra also no need sleep, because he use his brain to much to think, how to flood next and lay down to see for more water, thirsty,,,
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