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Author[Military Clan] #9595 Immortal Dynasty
Hehe immoral dynasty
Nice to see you've not lost any of your wit my good mom
Merlin Vs Hapko the beef of the century stay tuned for saturday where these cats fight for dominance only on the immortal dynasty youtube channel.
I am afraid I may have killed the man
I will send merlin to berlin dont ask why
Igles is my favourite side character please ask why
He's been always there right by your side, from the womb to your girl.
I've left it long enough to build the suspense, I'm sure some of you may have worried I had passed before finishing my masterpiece but here it is!

First lets deal with the main point, why is Igles a side character and not the main character? Well a short explanation would be that I have tried to coerce him into taking clan leadership on multiple occasions to no avail. We can and will dive deeper than this however, I believe Igles to be a character of immense humility that does not wish to take the limelight for anything other than his extremely inflated roasting abilities. Igles also always puts his friends and family first, this selfless behaviour is hugely endearing but it is not your classic main character energy. Finally, it is generally accepted that the main character would win in their big showpiece battles against side characters, Igles has challenged me many times over their years, but I simply remain undefeated. I'm afraid an alpha main character would have no trouble dealing with an old wizard like me..

I believe my detailed thesis will have convinced the whole lwm population of Igles' status as a side character, please stay tuned for a dream of spring where I will explain why the loveable rogue is my favourite
damn, bro rly said:
"maybe the main character is the friends we rekt in duels along the way"
Merlin from mythria is the worst’ character in that universe ask me why?
Go on then I'll bite
I am not one for suspense, neither am i in favour of the flowery prose that merlin so prefers. Let me cut through the bullshit and straight to the chase as the shears of fate rend the thread of life.

Merlin from mythria had a good upbringing, he was struck with tragedy that maimed him physically and mentally, his physical disability was overcome thanks to the ingenuity of his people however his mental wounds were reopened by a second dose of tragedy leading him to walk a path hungry for power and quick results. To that end he sold his soul to a demon to exact vengeance on his enemies. Merlin is a bad character because he forgot where he came from twice, he forgot the hatred and lust for power and his mission to bring his vengeance into the world, and he forgot the real him that has been buried underneath the bubbling hatred. All he has left is scepticism and an affinity for chaos that leads him to becoming evil and revel in dominating and hurting others. The story of merlin is only good if he walks down one of the paths that actually lead him to what he wants. A wanderer standing on a crossroads for too long is a wanderer no more.

This concludes my character analysis of Merlin the Dispossessed for the only thing he has dispossessed in the plot is his own story.
Cutting straight through the bullshit while disposing five dictionary worth of books
Says the guy who just finished the golden shower episode. Too bad linda didnt like you
Too bad linda didnt like you
I can turn her with enough chaos
you'll need this

Key to Linda's chambers (Common)
hey! you cant hand those out will nilly
Didn't realise you were Linda's wife, things make a lot more sense now
hey! you cant hand those out will nilly

its a common item, i got plenty
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