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Author[NEWS] Mini-balance and preparation
green dragon

lvl 4 unlimited retal
you can see how are attributes changing by pressing on icon of your upgraded unit in "Distribute" section.

for instance, if i press on ursary i got their screen, with address like:

if you change last number in your address bar, you can see what has changed with that level of upgrade.

unfortunately, it works only with upgrades you already unlocked.
so, no peeking :(
Leprechauns are also coming in battles now.
+5 luck is too deadly :(
when will this event finish??
any suggestion how to win these battles, out of 6 i won only 1 :(
join good team, ware best arts(full art), use one encahnt wepon from level 3 and upwards.
also do all 3 win in each lvl, do not skip
use one encahnt wepon from level 3 and upwards.
hell no!

also do all 3 win in each lvl, do not skip
Yup. That's enough advice
any suggestion how to win these battles, out of 6 i won only 1 :(
Just find one wizard partner :) wizs are doing really gr8
I'm also joining only wizards now :P thts why winning all battles xD
playing with random players is always a bit risky. Since they might not wear full artifacts, while if you play with a clan, you know you ll have good partners.
Crusaders lvl 4: +1 min dmg

for bbcda:

It has barely started. It'll take a couple more days I suppose and most probably will last as long as the previous wizard event lasted.
I see 3 options to create a challange in the event, what are the differences?
do we get different sylvian energy in each of those levels?
do we get different sylvian energy in each of those levels?

same doubt

most probably will last as long as the previous wizard event lasted.

how long did it last ? I wasn't here last time
Correction for Crusaders lvl 4: +3 attack and +1 min dmg.
Griffins lvl 5: Rage
Correction @173

I meant Wild griffins.
And the upgrade is:

+1 min dmg
[Post deleted by moderator Arcanide // On request]
Pls delete the above post.

The server has loading problems. Since it seems to be a global issue, admins should finish this fast.

Post here if you can do any fights.
lvl 5 fortune genies get an ability called "storm" according to that spreadsheet, anybody has idea what it is?

No, It's Unruly. Which is quite useful but google translate seems to be unable to understand
About creature improvements:


this data was collected in .ru, so original is in russian. google translation is not very good (it's actually terrible in some cases), but it's enough to get an idea of what you get by levelling up your creatures.
What are the benefits of reaching higher depths? If I only want to farm fsp and get clan points, is there any reason not to play low level battles?
What are the benefits of reaching higher depths? If I only want to farm fsp and get clan points, is there any reason not to play low level battles?
Little birdie told me we're looking at some trophy artifacts based on performance in this event. To be more specific, greater depth level reached, better the prize.
That's what I heard, I cba to confirm, sorry.
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