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Authorelfes to much power
Wasp swarm is low damage but has a minor knockback effect....
dragon how about necro at lv 10 they can use infected zombies that reduce the attack and defense of the enemy the hard skin will be hardly useful and the liches and also appartions and in this lv necro can cast all necro spells like summon phantom weakness etc.
Summon phantom on vampires OMG!!!... they will have incorpeal missies too :)

But by then... the treants from elves will just entangle you so you will be sitting targets for the archers and the blind from unicorns will add to their arsenal.
who said elfs are overooweredat lv5 a knight defested them see this fight

Heh elf made quite some mistakes during the battle:)
And also didnt have any luck:)
I must say that the top 10 players argument is a strong one.

Indeed 2 or more elves on one side =100% lose...

The elf made LOTS of mistakes and doesn't even have favoured enemy griffins etc... Neither did he activate his free gay +1 luck building
Playing against elves require a lot of strategy, and a lot of luck that they'll screw up, which does make them slightly overpowered, since superior strategy should always win, no matter the race.

Anyways just came from a match where we won against 2 elves 166, so it's not 100% loose

We don't speak about 1-4 level, we speak about 5-6 level
Why do people mix up lvl 4 and lvl 5 battles. I won 90% of the duels against elves on lvl 4. Now i cant even win one
Level 5 elves are too overpowered nuff said.... who the hell think that wimpy druids have 34 hp and are more meaty then a minotaur or a griffin... WTF!

Not to mention they can cast spells and have ranged attacks....
Druids should really be revised and look upon....

Druids the nature counterpart of mages... and one has 34 hp one has 18 hp....
This is sad even the admins cheat in their games...
Level 2 with 10 druids and 2 elven bowmen.


So does that mean even the admins choose the overpowered race?
admins punishes those, who plays unfair)) who create battles like 2 vs 2 3-3 vs 2-2
Druids are a problem indeed - Stronger than minotaur soldiers!!
For uneven battles, well, it's up to the registering player to be smart enough to see the trap, IMHO.
Druids are way to over powered they should have a cut down on magic and should only be able to cast 1 spell a game...

Silly ol me
Elfs has the MOST powerful racial skill too... a skill that does double damage (favored enemy) and increases in chance for each level... + free +1 luck from building!!
i`m telling you elf is the best once i`ve just reached lv 4 and played "every one for him self"mach and i was the weekest but i won wach it
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