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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
We won..:D
grats ^_^
speed is wondering how I got 200k in 10 days :P
Hey could anyone of u do me one favor. ?
M on phone..so can u go to my last battle and see my experience and fsp gained.?
sure ;)
Exp: 9430
Fsp: 6.66
I m loving it..*mwhaha*
thnx ..:D
Gayle 175*(65) (o.O) RESPECT to crazy guy ...just wish he doesn't do this to CSK XD
5K atlast !
arpit how did you make 200k in 10 days i wanna know as well... ^^
Gayle also 2 wickets 0.0 ...
2 wickets; 175 runs :D
That inning was incredible ^o^
and that gangnam was enjoyable too :D (remember him begging for that LBW?!) :D
oh gosh indescribable-amazing cricketer :D
and yah he got both wickets in just 1 over :/
for TraumatizedSoul:
arpit how did you make 200k in 10 days i wanna know as well... ^^

selling stuff :P
remember him begging for that LBW?!) :D ROFL moment of the match XD
After today's game the icc has decided following restrictions on gayle.
1. He will play only 24 balls (4 overs) only. Afterwards he will be retired hurt.
2. Only one six and one four per over.
3. Strike rate of more than 250 percent will be fined.
4. He should run at least two singles in an over.
5. There will be no fielding restrictions when gayle is batting.
6 . If any spectator catches the ball he is out.


meanwhile on LWM,lost an embarassing white hunt -_-
This inning of him was the hot topic of the last lecture in our class..

And it all started when I read loafoant's post..:P
for Stupefy: XD
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