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AuthorHit or Miss!!!! (GAME) Part-II
[Post deleted by moderator ElfPride // masked swearing]
hit !
next person i gonna be banned for ^ abuses
let me rephrase it properly

next person thinks that kushagra5 is gonna get a ban for abuse :P
next person loves football
Miss! I like it but dont love it.

Next person thinks that ronaldo is better than messi
Miss! He can never be..

Next person thinks Messi is current GOD of football
Ronaldo is. Messi cant be succesful without his barca team. He just steals the fame by scoring whereas the hardwork is done by the others. Look t ronaldo, he can play well with both his portugal and madrid. He can assist as well as score
You forgot to say something for next person... So I'll do it :P

Next person has played travian before playing this game.
miss as hell. I used to play utopia.

Next person wish to marry this years ukranian eurovision singer
miss! dont know who she is

Next person had started this game 3 years before
Yaah, with monkeychunky(abandoned and blocked). So its a hit/miss lol

Next person is not from africa
I reside in India but the human species itself originated in Africa.:D

Next person will read this post and answer.
@phoenix22- hi

Sry cant see post 1552 right now as theres an error loading it <.>

The next person loves using dark magic!

Next person thinks kushagra5 in post 1547 is wrong.

Next person will get a ban.
Miss, at least I hope so

Next person gave me a ban
Miss!- I would have given a forever ban LOL

Next person knows that death is near

next person was born in 1998

Next person is married in real life
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2008-2025, online games LordsWM