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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
Work completed B|
GN guys!
I would be up all night..
still awake..
13 ambush wins today :)
4:00 am here still awake.
8:00 am.. studying on a turbo mode!!
You engineering student ???
only engineers have habit of playinga at day and studying at night XD
Stupefy [10] - You are No.50 in the list. Participation with AI army guaranteed.

lets see what happens..

arpit is working real hard.... xD
keep on!!!

Best of luck for xams or whtevr u r gng to face)
did i set the troops.?

us two barbs vs tribal and elf..
lost..why did that EFK got morale..x_X
u r gng to get a medal this time... xD
took my words back... i meant by the next battle...

best of luck for next.. P
i hate it..x_X
getting a noob barb as a partner..raiders are no use in QT...and his ones (50+) died just on one strike frm enforcers..my hobs killed the stack of EFK on one strike..we would have won easy..
they both had great def...full as well as enchanced arts...
never mind..

look at tgis guy which was in my team..full arts..no prob

but has just fought 800 battles won 500..and is abt to be lvl 11 and fsl 8..??
not a noob though... has 4 medals of QT..

and jst 800 fights??
must be most ST and GB

i did 1500 battles ..won around 1250..
still CL10 and fsl 7..
has 4 medals of QT..
look at the battle we just fought..put wolf in corner (full stack) and went forward ..
died without dealing single damage..those enforcers are heavy though..
raiding 202 *raiding harpies*
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