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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
Earning reputation between .ru CG players. Another player told my opponent in battlechat that I already killed 3 necros today :P

Made some russian friends :)
moroz right ? keep going mate,show those .ru's what we are !

can't wait for lvl 9 so that I too can rock CG !!
i am really intrigued to check out ST with lvl 7 tribal,but can't ,camping limits my options :(
gtg..gotta check my multis
tempted to do ST..arrgh!
hula hula huula !
hola hola hoola !
hela hila heila!
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2013-04-08 22:09:28 // Mass flood in OGF, zounds of pointless messages
renting a full art for lvl 7 for 1 battle from the rent shop costs more than 1K..costly affair.
on the other hand buying a full art for lvl 7 costs 125K o.O I got a lot of money to get :/
i think i shld stop...
*sigh* to hell with 15K post i am bored...

bye guys ! get the 15000 post for me
signing off.
I am here, but for no less than 1 hr :(
hunted some brutes brutally :D
Free wifi makes me forget half of my life problems xD
Free wifi makes me forget half of my life problems xD

I know that feel bro :P
15000 post? oh darn i wont get it cuz i have skool tomorrow!
might as well get 14900th post xP
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