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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
CG duel wins:30/46

wow got thrashed after a long time..
that super over last night was stunning :D
btw, that mg guy is so stubborn; never gives me close destinations xD
dale steyn ^_^
CG duel wins:31/47

You never know when you will come across friends in duels :P
The mg guy no gimme conspirator quests -.-
CG duel wins:32/48

Got 200 skill points this week, I'm on steroids!!

The mg guy no gimme conspirator quests -.-
What is so desirable about conspirators? Everybody wants monsters
CG duel wins:32/49

I'm so getting dwarf resistance :P
desirable about conspirators
piece of cakes..
» Combat level: 9 (1614247) +35753

wanna lvl up so bad...

barb is piece of cake till CL 9..
so easily thrashed..

but those chiefs are just...
not to forget CS2..
with talents thrusting might + weighty weapons...:O

Go GO GO.!
but how to gain quick xp.?
no one dueling me..??..x_X
trying CG
for xp..will i win.?

i guess if i face DE,dwarf,tribal,knight,elf or barb..then i can win...

but i hate facing demon and wiz..
changed talent cuz i wanted luck..x_X

but i miss thrusting might...be right there bro..

i'll take u as soon as i reach CL10..u'll get a new bro too..()weighty weapons


thnk god he is not chaos..
proving to be a easy victory..hmm.

lol..never thought it could have been this easy..
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in a factory..B|
50 CG points!!!
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