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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
CG duel wins:30/45

Back to 2/3 now need to reach back to 70%.
Back to 2/3 now need to reach back to 70%. nice going.
Killing it out there blazing, i'm into the; doing nothing and only posting stage right now
hmm..you aiming for 15000 post,arent you :P?
i'm into the; doing nothing and only posting stage right now

me too :)
22222 posts is the next good one to go for. So at least another week yet.
15k'th posts shall be mine
though everyone else can do the work for me
15k'th posts shall be mine

*evil laugh*
that will be mine too :p
*evil laugh*
How could i forget to leave that out
MY diabolical plan is being carried out through every post
My Cockateil died today ; _ ; .....
Ill miss you friend :'-(
Ah wiz are tough altough whats up guys?
somebody seems speechless xD
You hear a scream of Efreeti (57), you turn around and see that they are guarding 50 gold 1 ore

who wants fried efreeties? ;P
looted a mh armor
game, y u no gimme BB arts? -.-
Hail, Hero! Our Empire is threatened by another filthy little conspiracy. These miscreant 'Knights, Elves - conspirators {11}' have teamed up and wreak havoc on '#37 - Hauberk works (Rogues' Wood)'. Don't let them pillage everything, fight them off, then return to get your reward. You have 600 minutes left.
that hail hero word was awesome :P
but wat if i lose? xD
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