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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
new page.!

gotta go..
i guess now u've got the idea how to do it..:D
[Post deleted by moderator ElfPride // As requested]
oops i posted the last post by mistake delete the post please.
O.o monster flood by stupefy..

I love camping !
me too.?

ask me..
hi filo..
it ain't friday..??..:P

hahaha sorry for the late reply and i'm on holidays for the time being. ( 1 more week ) so taking advantage of that obviously.
Post for today
One day i hope we can make it to 100k posts...
I wanted to search for the old forums of this but going through so many pages bores me. I know we made it to 35k or maybe more but it's close to that hahaha
yup..u did 33k..:P
hmm..i think i m done for today..
time to go.?
yes ..time to go..

bye fellas
CG duel wins:27/39
CG duel wins:27/40

Lost to a wiz in close combat..
Ohh hey filo long time no see?
I wanna blitz lvl up but dont have the money for comfortable existence :(
CG duel wins:27/41 need to freshen up a bit
CG duel wins:27/42

Bad times :P
CG duek wins:28/43 Finally got out the win draught.
CG duel wins:29/44

Ok getting the edge back :P
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