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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
» Combat level: 9 (1588116) +61884

nearing and nearing
so anybody in touch with iamtheworldking in real life? Hope he comes back with a new account. They always do :P
so anybody in touch with iamtheworldking in real life
he studies with me in RL life..in resonance..

maybe he'll come back..not sure..right now he is planning to try to unblock his iam______ account...poor guys..right when he was abt to gain profit on his arts..BAM.!
CG duel wins:22/33

I win 2/3 of my CG duels :P

i just try my luck on QTs...
differentiation scheduled to be over by today...integration be be started by Tuesday..

they are stretching like everything..
CG duel wins:23/34

This was a close combat..I cant believe I defeated a "DWARF" with a knight resistance :P

for Stupefy:
watch out for that part especially definite integral.
Integration is soo easy,differentiation is cakewalk but integration by parts is scary
integration by parts is an elementary maths. But the heights of lvl definite integral goes to.. Yes you oughta need to do it right.

What book you referring to?I'd say cengage's calculus is really good.
CG duel wins:24/35
68% wins let us see if I can go for 70.
And where is everybody?
here !

my clan mate defated me in QT..:(
DU dwarf ofc..

but still i made it to semis..
GG games : 3/8 :/
GG games : 4/9 :/
GG games : 5/11 :) not bad

good night guys!
u can do it CSK!!! (i hope)
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