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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
sad news
My worst opinion :- ) : Be a good boy and study books and develop your brain ! lmao
oh dheeraj :'( m feeling so sorry fr u....
do something!
bye ..
hi and bye :
for Stupefy:
Happens with me too. Whenever I visit home. My bro is in 11th now so yea we need to cooperate for not to divert his mind for he is of the type who tend to lose focus. Visit a friends place. Introduce him to a game :P

Sometimes I just go to internet cafes,but it is not that fun and totally not worth it.

Altough stuff happens in family and you have no other option but to improvise..
so sad stupefy...still i dont understand y u cant play on ur pc...u can ask him to go to some room and shut the door...
sold temporal armor 80/80 fr 17k ^_^
status: We didn't even doubt you would do it! This is for you.

You receive 95 gold

sold temporal armor 80/80 fr 17k ^_^
temporal helmet:)
for Pankaj_Kalra21:
i think you were ripped off,i mean after a few days,its value will rise (more than 20K atleast), plus it is not that much bad art..
Just gonna stand there...
12th exams over, jee mains now...... screwed up brain studying late nights-.-
Same here i always study at last min..

And the thread shld be at da first always
there is no last min. study for jee.mains. altough im quite sure you guys will be in turbo mode to study now. study hard and play harder invacations.

stupefy parents exaggerate all the tike. my father too. just wait forawhile and see will they lose up on their ultimatum. just dont get seen playing befpre your bro and things should h fine.
come on annoyed of roullete again to 0 lol
devin, stop roulette -.- it may have unwanted results
it OFTEN have unwanted results:P
it often has unwanted results
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