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Author[Military Clan] #9595 Immortal Dynasty
Sure hop on in make yourself at home
for ThERocKiscookiN:
Can i Join ?

Join the banter and clan of course :p

If no one has PMed you yet about it then feel free to pm me and I'll get the process going for you :D
the more the merrier
Witch Hunt event is ongoing, and as always we have our 250k prize fund to spread to all of our event players :))
we overshot by 2, currently #67
No worries, we'll be at the perfect number definitely
what happened to The Rock?
did you let him cook?
Bro is still cooking looks like a crazy recipe
Bro got too cooked
cookin for the greater good of mankind
currently still holding #67 at event ranking,
well done everyone, this is a great step forward!
proud of you all
Rewards have been sent out :)

Prize fund of 250k spread and kablamo bp99 topping the results this event :p
Hi there, relatively new player looking to join! :-)
excellent choice might i add

The modern day equivalent of obi-wan Vs anakin. He points to the ground and says "hill gg"
It's cool that you're up there, but don't sleep on me, I got tricks up my sleeve fam. bet.
A big undead bear from some magical grave that gave a big orc his grandma's mittens that give him +2 strength?

Good tricks dungeon master. Episode will be coming up on the youtube channel soon XD
Also yeah forgot to say I've given event rewards out :D

Thanks to all, 250k prize fund has been shared among our event players. Congrats to Èíñóëüò for scoring the best among all.

fyi if you get a top 1 score you get an extra 15k, if you get top 2 score you get an extra 10k, and top 3 score gets extra 5k.

So enjoy folks
There is a bigger badder and even more convoluted dungeon this weekend for those who van make it, might even have a dragon, who knows..
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