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Author[Event] Griffin Liege vs. Manticore Liege
So it was 14077 VS 14284

That makes it 28361 pvp battles
Sorry did not mean battles

28361 battles worth artifacts. Lot of gold spent there
Have to include the ones against AI too
Hope rewards are atleast half the cost
Depends on W/L I guess, could be profitable to many people. Need 60k more to recover costs, not including that golden scroll.
Don;t forget dark cloak parts, they are worth about 6.5k per 20
Also, for me I always think, if I break even in an event, then really it is net profit for that time period, since that will mean all my enrols are pure profit, (which during an event like this are usually more often at higher wage facilities).

If your win rate is reasonable, I would expect this to have paid out well on balance.
Yea included the dark parts as well. My win rate is a little sad at 30/44, but to be expected I guess as a newish lvl 10 during the event
Anything better than 50% is better than average and not to be sniffed at, 68% on a lot of tests is a good mark!
for Lord MilesTeg:
Clearly you don't have Asian parents
Thanks @miles and yes, anything less than 80 = shite here XD
Lol even at 98 they would say why not 100
What a recipe for happiness.........
Lol even at 98 they would say why not 100

That's totally my mum. I once had a 2nd rank in my 9th grade (3 class sections) and i was so scared to go home knowing my mom would raise hell.
Interesting VV that first time you write mum (obviously the correct way), but then switched to mom. Are we gradually shifting people onto English English as opposed to American English.........
English English

The Welsh, Scottish, and Northern Irish take offence to this
Well Meshy did not call it an off-topic
I apologise British English is the accepted form. Though with regards to this particular aspect there are parts of England where instead of saying "my mum" you would say "me mam". Perhaps I should have stated standard English or some such!

The other response would of course be faux combativeness "who cares if they are insulted, we invented English, it is after all called English after the country where it came from. England. No getting away from that with your politically correct bovine excrement!"

OF course, however, I am far too gentile and polite to even think of these things let alone say them.
politically correct bovine excrement!"

for Lord MilesTeg:
that's interesting observation :)

In real life i have many ways of addressing her. It depends on her mood and my mood.
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