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AuthorAncient ritual
If it's the error page I'm thinking of then just refresh the page
Really struggling with these two heroes battles.
Ok, refreshing works. Thanks!
If recruit mummies, will it decrease morale of my army by 1? If I use raise dead with mummies, will it further decrease it?
Mummies don't decrease morale. Raise dead decrease morale if used on living troops but not on other mummies.
for Marquis Thornwald:
Also resseruction decrease 1troops full hp?
Victories / Combats: 50 / 51

Silver available: 26,535
Silver gained: 116,207

gold: 79,289
HG points: 50
MG points: 25
armaments: 60
diamonds: 4
parts of artefact of Dark: 45
stacks of LG: 8
parts of stacks of LG: 125
scrolls of calling: 8

Clan points: 50

It looks 51-60 will be extremely hard and will be impossible without farming silvers. will see how it will play out.
for latviesu lords:
Resurrection will decrease max HP of each unit in stack on which it is casted upon. I had Scorpions with 4HP max and ater ressurrection it has 3HP max.
for myevan2:

Yes, I tried 51 and 52 without farming silver - 51 I was able to beat only because my build is very strong against knight. I don't think it is possible to beat 52 without farming.
Don't buy anything for ressurection as that is a pathetic spell in this event unless you have sphynx.

I highly disagree

Sun Priestesses resurrect 1057 Scorpions
I don't think it is possible to beat 52 without farming.

Did it ;)

I would be surprised if I can go any further though :D
Victories / Combats: 68 / 94

Marquis don'tt
I regret farming so much. Farming won't change anything. You need a strategy change. That's all.
Farming gets so tempting when you combine already securing figurine + success elixer + day of follower ;(

Silver available: 24,157
Silver gained: 182,595

gold: 103,710
HG points: 60
MG points: 30
armaments: 60
diamonds: 4
parts of artefact of Dark: 45
stacks of LG: 8
parts of stacks of LG: 202
scrolls of calling: 9

Clan points: 60

Over ;)
Sun Priestesses resurrect 1057 Scorpions
You can buy more than 1057 scorpions at the cost which you've spent on sun priestess. And that's despite scorpions being a terrible purchase. Anyway, I won't comment further on that.
Feel free to use this strategy for 51-60.
Sphynx mummies carried me hard.
Sorry, it's https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?lt=-1&warid=1013266859&html5=1&show_for_all=781500c08d
Feel free to use this strategy for 51-60.
Sphynx mummies carried me hard.

51 was relatively easy, I was just surprised 1st time with castle fight.

52 was rough, I was losing one stack per turn to the liches but witht he right strategy it proved more than beatable.

53 I'm giving up. I'm dying before I can even reach the spinners.
So those that started the event first got the troops cheap and kept driving up the prices. So rest cannot even play it due to troops being too expensive and even keep getting more and more expensive. The admins should stick this event so far up that they should keep tasting it till the end of their lifes. They are really excelent at alienating their customers. Here is to more dimishing donations.
for Marquis Thornwald:
Do not forget that you can repeat levels for 51-60
for Lawton:
I would say its quite opposite. They pumped prices down for certain troops.
@latviesu lords, With camel rider at 802? Basic mummy 750 and sphynx mummy at 2045? Yeah right they pumped down.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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