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AuthorBlindFold Tournament- Battle Reports
No, Hit the one who is the weakest. TRY TO BRING HIM DOWN before you! Read the whole guide
FYI,i came third and still managed to get 7+ fsp,and bro,i was the weakest one
final score 61 points
with my dwarf lv 6 alt

i am so impatient to see final results
4 people ganged up on me -.- 34 of 11 battles.
All I have to say is nearly the last five i've been in, the knights/wizards/necros of the same class start crushing the Dark elves then the Tribal. Rarely have i seen anything but knights helping knights out or necros and magic based heroes excluding holy knights. That's just my preference. ^_^
61 is an excellent score debeljuca. Pperfect to get you first
4 mages ganged up and killed me first. bloody jerks -_- there goes my any chance of getting into top 3 :'(
in the 9 tournament for level 3 barb the scores are 49,43,31 n in the 10 tournament for level 3 barb the scores are 47,40,35 so I hav finished 10 battles n I am on 25 so will I any prize n how much more points will I need 2 get the prize???

Ii suggest you go on and get-
25 more points for first
20 more points for second
12 more points for third
8 for incentive

Easy bro. I know you are frustrated but it happens:)
Specially with tribals :(
ok im about to start my last battle need to win if i want incentive :)
Battle count: 15 (14) Points: : 45
oh and a warning to all lvl 6 dwarfs in my last battle i saw someone with a 100% trophy

ps he not 100% anymore ;)
i dont know if its good sign or bad
but i havent come across many barbs(in fact two only in 14):o
best of luck for final battle rip
this elf is troubling me for no reason. He brough my centaurs down to 15. Nnow he will feel my wrath
That elf dead. Though he managed to kill my centaurs
another elf slaughtered.

Necro fighting with wizard. Hope knight doesnt hit me now
Interesting part. Wizard necro fight is no more. Iit was just wiz killing necro skeletons and necro killing 2 splitted gargs. Both got full mana. Favorotes to win battle. Knight is strong and is my ally
well i won my last battle :) but was made work for it i had 1 xbow left with 8 hp :)
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