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AuthorRejoice - two worlds about to merge!!!!
what about same names ?
like dbest is one of a 3 lvl dwarf name
There is nothing to "Rejoice" in being assimilated! Resistance is NOT futile!
I keep reading: "we are doomed with the merge... etc"

Well actually yes we are doomed in PvP... partly because they may have more artifacts or more experience (nothing we can not deal or learn)... BUT definitely not becuase .ru is 'smarter' (LOL what was that? smart, yes, smarter? lol).

BUT the main reason if they do not sort out fsp inbalance, dedicated .com lordsw will NEVER catch up on dedicated .ru lords... NEVER!!!

That is my main concern even if we earn 'free fsp'... we will be sub-par and incoming events in a merged world will not magically make us earn back our 'missing' fsp.
or magically make us earn more fsp to catch up on .ru players (who gorged themself with 'easy' fsp).
two worlds about to merge

Many Years
To those who say we will eventually catch up without any special care-
Losing gives worser FSP:Exp ratio.

Also those who say we just need same events the got exclusive for us-
If those events have same FSP ration as those which .ru had, then higher level players will still have lower FSP ratio(lvl7 and up) compared .ru counterpart. I can prove it mathematically.

So we would either need
1.Free fsp based on Experience we have
2. Events with better FSP ratio than events which ru had(admins wouldn't consider this)
We have already earned exp. But didn't get FSP.

I don't think .ru players will have any complaints. Admins are not favouring us,Just help us catch up a LITTLE CLOSE to .ru players. We don't have advantages from -
1.Rangers/Thieves guild(most of us in case of TG)
2.Better economy
3.Special artifacts
and many more I don't know what all changes have come in the MCs and all.
I don't think .ru players will have any complaints. Admins are not favouring us,Just help us catch up a LITTLE CLOSE to .ru players.

Even if admins are not favouring us, I assure you some .ru players will complain...
Just like some .com players are going to complain? I mean we are being merged with the successful server how are people not happy about this? even if we have some disadvantages guess what? you can start over then you will be totally equal with everyone else. if you do not want to start over, like me, then stop worrying that you wont be able to win because youll be able to do so much more. with more players better economy more guilds and more events there will be tons more to do and everyone will benefit. if you start a little bit worse of then .ru players then you better work harder to catch up! stop complaining and worrying about the merge it will not be perfect and there will be people on both sides who are upset but the good far outweighs the bad. try to focus on that.

Even if admins are not favouring us, I assure you some .ru players will complain...

I actually wanted to type ".ru players should have any complaints". What you said is very true. But I hope there would be some supporting it.

I am not opposing a merger. I am supporting a merger properly done not just stitching together. Plz don't think I don't want merger. I was just said those points so that we can explore of more ways to solve those problems.
Just like some .com players are going to complain? I mean we are being merged with the successful server how are people not happy about this? even if we have some disadvantages guess what? you can start over then you will be totally equal with everyone else. if you do not want to start over, like me, then stop worrying that you wont be able to win because youll be able to do so much more. with more players better economy more guilds and more events there will be tons more to do and everyone will benefit. if you start a little bit worse of then .ru players then you better work harder to catch up! stop complaining and worrying about the merge it will not be perfect and there will be people on both sides who are upset but the good far outweighs the bad. try to focus on that.

Well obergon, just have an open mind. I am pretty sure that those who are complaining are pvpers. I just like to do pve and i do not complain. Why? because FSP do not affect my gameplay so much unlike those who do pvp.

I just checked your combat log until page 14 and you are just like me. NO PVP except in some tournament (not counting the ones with quick combat) and even then you just lost everytime. No wonder you do not really care about the bad of the merge. So you should weigh both side of that merge (the good and the bad).

What prompts me to play an online game rather than an offline game is the duels/ GBs, tourneys and records. Without any proper FSP support, all this MIGHT BE be hopeless and very hard to do. Moreover it is frustrating to me to repetedly lose bcause opponent has higher FSP/ better arts which are not possible for me(The same feeling as a Full AP player joins a min AP GB). With merger we would get events, new things to explore. But it would become no good compared to offline games where there are more to explore, no enrollment needed. Thats why I give such high priority to PvP and FSP. Sure without FSP support, this would still be a good game but nothing better than an offline game.

Well its just my opinion .
This problem could be solved by simply giving .com players the option to choose between exp or fsp in all battles...

By giving .com players this option for a set period of time, the onus is then on .com players to "equalise" ourselves before the merge, and the harder the player works the more rewarding it will be. This is not "free" fsp because it will still cost .com players gold and exp...
Hello everyone!
I don't know anything about FSP difference between Ru and Com players, but one thing for sure - admins ARE NOT going to give us any advantage. Cause if we wanted, we could have reached their LVL of FSP development on our own here without any additional features.
However I agree that it would be much better for us, if admin decided to implement them on Com before the merger + increase FSP gain ratio by at least 50% for lets say 2 months, so all those active players here had enough time to boost themselves accordingly to RU standarts if such thing even exists. Emh, my dreamy mind, that'll never happen.
I've read lots of topics about merger on Ru server and found out that they are not very concerned with our FSP difference at all (they have their own FSP monsters called Terminators) unreachable by both Com or normal Ru players.
Actually they are more concerned with merger details and economy infrastructure. They even discussed possible ways for admins to merge us safely and came up with some pretty good ideas.
admins ARE NOT going to give us any advantage.
Just making us equal would also be fantastic, unless they are afraid that .ru players are going to whine about having to do fair battles against us ;-)

I've read lots of topics about merger on Ru server and found out that they are not very concerned with our FSP difference at all
Ofc they are not they have the upper-hand, I rarely complain about getting a good hand in poker... But this time it is not up to luck to make it even it is up to the admins, lets hope they will do there job well
Thanks Fringe.

5)Prices for Rare items + TGI and estates - most concern is that we will inflate their cheaper market with our unspent/saved less valued money and increase prices + create more demand for previously unpopular things. For example: TGI here is roughly 1kkk gold there 500k / the price range could go up to 800k again before last TG change on Ru.

What about the loss the current TG holders will suffer. Also the same for element holders.... I think .Ru players have more gold because they have cheaper resources while production facilities pay more than what they pay here. Some .com players will have gold because we had nothing to spend. It would be similar to some one in .ru who hasn't spend any gold on events yet.
The best thing about this merge is that all the cheaters on .com will have their come uppance. The bot users who are back selling wood and ore in the nickel facility at east bay wont be able to.

The thousands of reports that have been made will be looked at and actioned. It will be a joyous day. I'd suggest the cheaters should stop now and beg for forgiveness before the merger, as they'll be blocked after.
How will voting affect merge: https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1913539&page=10 ?

I already have low level char there and all I need is better internationalization (I use chrome translate and I can't do text quests neither I understand anybody in combats). I want this char to remain in current server.

If done properly merge can be nice thing but russians that play com are here because there is option for 2nd server. Would they want their chars moved there if they already have much better chars there? For them merge is a waste.

Most other games have restarts after certain periods. Maybe 3rd server with both russians and eng. language players should start. That way nobody would complain because all start on equal terms. On other hand merge is meant to simplify things and reduce costs. 3rd server is total opposite of it.
That way nobody would complain because all start on equal terms. On other hand merge is meant to simplify things and reduce costs. 3rd server is total opposite of it.
no body would want their years of efforts to go waste. That server will have very few players and will not be profitable/ any fun. The current game play doesn't need/ is not suitable for a restart type mechanism.
as per my view..ru server on its peeks comparing from Dwarf war to steep war..i can see not much difference in players number.(may be i am wrong since i am not playing there regularly but i still remember >23k online people at Dwarf wars)

number on line people are too much comparing with us(.com) but giving them so many turnys,event,wars,gifts,lottery's etc i can't see much difference in last 3 years. (my view only lol)

if they(admins/owners) want more money, they have to think and look out of Russia. since it is a business.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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