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AuthorSquash the rebelion!!
i dont care about the rebellion or anything i just have a thnig with wizards
for Joltar:
Negotiation and reason, and not war and bloodshed, are what we need most;
It is thy side who asks for bloodshed, venerable (formal) collegue.

still friend I hope
Of course, still friend. But if I see you on the battlefield with weapons in your hands, charging Her Highness Castle, thou shalt perish by my own staff!

For order, discipline and national security,
Glory to the Empire! Squash the rebellion!!!
if there is any of you fine Lords willing to play some cards with an old necromancer?

i'm willing ... lets do it :)
Did you leave Homeland Security? For your information: I did not and am not intending to until ordered to resign by Councillor Kalirosh himself!

Good to read we are still friends, my friend. But remember this: when the time might come, you will never see me coming on the battlefield...
for Joltar:
formal is not the same thing as former.
(q)You have my word that you will be given such an opportunity to challenge my good old skeletons in a fight.

Everyone knows you just bought your troops from the market! they are not old at all!

p.s. No disrespect intended but you remind me of my gramps, he has gone senile recently and forgets what he did 15 minutes back

Note to the all: Fragile, handle with care, be gentle to the young and OLD.
I join to Lord Ferluis, for duel and it end in that time. Again.
#145: Thank you for correcting me, it is formal indeed. My error in all its extent. See how easy misinterpretation can lead to quarrel? That is why we need to parley calmly first and not man the barricades immediately...

Any news from our Faction Leader, Lord Bilir yet?
I join to Lord Ferluis, for duel and it end in that time. Again.
The time hasn't come yet, but be well prepaired.
Very soon Her Majesty commands me to declare something to you all my honorable Lords and the game will begin.
Feurlis, you seem to think you are unbeatable, yet I know your deeds, heard from stories, but are you really as strong as you were in those times ? I doubt that.
Yes and whilst his Sirness Lord Councillor Feurlis amuses himself in the taverns who is to provide bread for the children of the betrayed and incarcerated Arctic?

This cannot be countenanced. If there is a valid reason for his imprisonment we must be told what it is...and the one that we have been given is a fairy story!

Free Arctic!
game will begin.
For you is it game? For us is it Arctic's life!
for Dan-Panic:
sir Councilor Feurlis for your information. If you're willing to start any discussions learn to respect your opponents first.

"One who will not think, and will refer disparagingly to his enemy, will surely become his enemy's prisoner"
/Art of War/
His Feurlisiness quotes Sun Tzu!!!!???

You will need to do more than that my lord if you are to assuage the
rising eruption from the people. My sprites are incensed!!!!!
for Councilor Feurlis:

As for your information, I will repeat what I have said before.
- For Sir, Councilor or any title given by the Empress, I spit on it.
one thing is known for sure...you are a bad card player....
"One who will not think, and will refer disparagingly to his enemy, will surely become his enemy's prisoner"

The first victim of war, is truth. /our Empress?/
Most honourable sir Councillor Fleurlis. How beautiful it is to behold your army in all its glory. Never before did I witness such a tremendous sight and display of power. But why, most respectable Councillor Fleurlis, are the other members of the Council to the Throne not to be heard of? You speak eagerly about waging war as soon as Her Majesty permits it. Too eagerly to be honest. Discuss more important matters with us first. Her Majesty's Malady; any news on a cure yet? Why did She still suffer from the Curse during Her last public appearance?!? (*) Why does She wield Unholy Knight weaponry? Please enlighten us to prevent unnecessary bloodshed, noble sir Councillor Fleurlis, Leader of the Necromancer Faction.

(*) https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1894322&page=10#535702
for Joltar:
Old necromancer sir Councillor Fleurlis was sent here to suppress a rebellion but he was never permitted to say a word on any possible news and/or other information besides that and he shall obey his Empress.
Your empress is possessed by an evil force, more obscur then the darkness of your spells, the cape of your vampires and the holes of your eyes. You should stop and start to think Old Necromancer, your empress shall guide you to your demise. You will be destroyed, either by us, or by the force who is crontrolling her.
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